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【学术经历】 1981年毕业于太原工学院无线电技术专业本科; 1987年在山西矿山学院工业自动化专业获硕士学位; 1987年至2000年在太原理工大学任教;1999年担任教授; 1995年应邀在香港中文大学微波实验室任助研; 2005年应邀在新加坡南洋理工大学电子电气工程系任TCT交流学者 2000年起在威廉williamhill体育任教,博士生导师。 【研究领域】 从事限定空间无线电通信方面的教学和研究。 【学术兼职】 中国电子学会微波专业委员会委员,微波与光通信分会主任委员 上海市电子学会理事,微波专业委员会副主任委员。IET 资深会员 中国城市轨道交通信号系统国际评标专家 上海市电机工程学会轨道交通电气化专业委员会委员 上海交通电子行业协会轨道交通专家委员会委员 上海申通地铁集团信号专业委员会委员 上海市轨道交通无人驾驶列控系统工程技术中心技术委员会委员 【获奖】 2019年“面向轨道交通多业务融合的无线宽带通信关键技术研究与应用”
上海市科技进步奖二等奖(第二获奖人) 2014年“轨道交通及铁路无线通信专用测试技术及应用”上海市科技进步奖三等奖(第一获奖人) 2010年“城市轨道交通无线通信系统关键技术”上海市科技进步奖三等奖(第一获奖人) 2010年“轨道交通车地无线通信测试平台”上海国际工博会高校展区一等奖(第一完成人) 2009年“探索在美学意境中实践通信原理的教学”上海市级教学成果二等奖(第一获奖人) 2008年“探索在美学意境中实践通信原理的教学”威廉williamhill体育校级教学成果特等奖(第一获奖人) 2008年 宝钢优秀教师奖 2000年“地下限定空间中特高频UHF无线电波传播机理的研究”山西省科技进步二等奖(第二获奖人) 【主讲课程】 通信原理 通信概论 通信原理概论 宽带无线通信 改变生活的通信技术 【科研项目】 2000-2002 主持国家自然科学基金项目,工作面及顺槽个人通信系统 2000-2001 主持山西省科委自然基金项目,矿用电器的电磁兼容性研究 2001-2002年参加上海市科委重大项目,蓝牙技术应用研究 2002-2003主持上海申通集团委托项目,上海轨道交通无线通信系统组网方案的研究, 2004-2005主持制定上海市城市建设地方标准,城市轨道交通无线通信系统技术规范 2004-2006 主持上海市科委重点项目,城市轨道交通无线通信系统互联互通的研究 2005-2007负责上海市科委国际合作项目,UWB关键技术的研究, 2005-2006参加上海市申通轨道交通研究咨询有限公司项目,轨道交通车载视频监控系统 2006-2007 参加上海市申通轨道交通研究咨询有限公司项目, 5.8GHz无线频段车-地视频传输研究 2005-2006主持国家“863”计划高速磁浮交通技术重大专项子课题, 毫米波在特殊空间传播规律的研究 2005-2008主持上海欣民通信有限公司项目,轨道交通车载视频监控系统研究 2007-2008主持国家“863”计划高速磁浮交通技术重大专项子课题(ZX-06-800-025),毫米波通信系统在隧道内传播特性的测试 2007-2009承担上海市经委重大技术装备研制专项(企业第一负责人,申请人第二负责人),轨道交通列车控制系统中无线通信系统的研发 2009-2010主持“十一五”国家科技支撑计划高速磁浮交通系统总体性能指标评估及各子系统技术参数测试、试验研究子课题(115-06-YK-018),高速磁浮毫米波在隧道和穹隆站台内通信的系统性能仿真 2009-2010主持“十一五”国家科技支撑计划高速磁浮交通系统关键技术攻关与创新研究子课题(115-04-YK-031),磁浮无线电系统场强测试技术研究 2009-2011主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(60872021),基于甚小线性调频的超窄带高速无线通信关键技术研究
2008-2009上海国际合作白玉兰基金项目(2008B050) 城市轨道交通车地无线电通信技术合作研究(美国密西根大学) 2012-2015主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(61171086) 隧道内微波毫米波信号无线传输的建模与实时仿真理论 2012-2016负责国家自然科学基金重点项目(61132003) 面向地下轨道交通的无线信道模型构建与应用 2013-2015 主持上海市科委重大项目(13511503003)CBTC无线通信系统抗干扰测试及综合技术研究 2011年主持上海申通集团 CBTC无线通信方式与相关技术研究,无线通信技术,对抗wifi干扰。 2012年主持上海申通集团轨道交通网络通信系统检测技术研究,威廉williamhill体育专用信道技术移植到申通地铁技术中心,完成市科委重点项目,开拓公司无线电通信测试业务。 2013年主持上海申通集团增强型CBTC系统预研究,研究CBTC新型无线通信技术。 2013年主持上海申通集团CBTC系统改进研究,研究原有系统改造技术。 2015—2017 主持上海市科委重大项目(15511107203),城市轨道交通智能行车监控系统信息安全关键技术研究。 2015—2017主持上海张江国家自主创新示范区专项发展资金重点项目(201505-ZB-C101-008),基于CBTC系统LTE综合试验室建设与应用研究。 2016—2019主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(61571282),车车信道的非平稳时频分析以及短时延半实物信道仿真。 2018—2020主持上海上海市科委重点项目(18511105705),轨道交通信息安全实验平台及应用。 2019—2022主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(61871261),漏泄电缆的群信道的相关性及其MIMO系统综合性能的研究。 2022—2025参加上海市科委重点项目(22ZR1422200),轨道交通高可信车地协同与高可靠车车通信研究。 【论文与专利】 1. Asad Saleem, Min Wang, Guoxin Zheng, and Xiaoyu Yin, Spatial Characteristics of Wideband Channels Using Leaky
Coaxial Cables in Tunnel Scenario, International Journal of Antennas and
Propagation, vol. 2019,
Article ID 9374905, 10 pages, 2019. 2. Zhicheng Ren, Fangqi Zhang, Guoxin Zheng, Asad Saleem,
and Ke Guan, A 3D
Non-Stationary Channel Model with Moving Mobile Station in Rectangular Tunnel,
International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2019,
Article ID 6750153, 12 pages, 2019 3. Liu Xi, Yin Xiaoyu, Zheng Guoxin, Experimental Investigation
of Millimeter-Wave MIMO Channel Characteristics in Tunnel, IEEE ACCESS,Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.293257. 4. Ye Jiang, Guoxin Zheng, Xiaoyu Yin, Asad Saleem, Bo Ai, Performance Study of Millimeter-wave MIMO Channel in
Subway Tunnel Using Directional Antennas, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2018.2.26. 5. Xiaoyu Yin , Xi Liu, Guoxin Zheng , Asad Saleem, and
Xuping Zhai, 28-GHz
Channel Characterizationfor a Short Tunnel, IEEE
Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2018.12.4. 6. Pan, Yun-Tian, Zheng, Guo-Xin, Wang, Tao, Investigation
of MIMO Channel Correlation and Capacity in Curved Subway Tunnel, IEEE
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (IF 1.79), 2016.01.01, 15:
1698~1702. 7. Wu, Yiming, Zheng, Guoxin, Wang, Tao, Performance Analysis of MIMO
Transmission Scheme Using Single Leaky Coaxial Cable, IEEE Antennas and
Wireless Propagation Letters(IF 1.79), VOL. 16,
2017, 298-301. 8. Wu, Yiming, Zheng, Guoxin, Saleem, Asad, Zhang,
Yue Ping, An Experimental Study of MIMO Performance Using Leaky Coaxial
Cables in a Tunnel, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters(IF
1.79), VOL. 16, 2017:1663-1666. 9. Yun-Tian Pan, Guo-Xin Zheng, and Claude Oestges, Characterization of Polarized Radio Channel With
Leaky Coaxial Cable in a Tunnel-Like Environment, IEEE Antennas and Wireless
Propagation Letters(IF 1.79), VOL. 16,
2017:2803-2807. 10. Dakui Wu, Guoxin Zheng, Compact
Dual-Band Coupler for Vehicular Beam-Forming Array, International Journal of
Antennas and Propagation(IF 1.16), 2017.1.18,
2017:1-6. 11. LI Zhen, ZHU Xiang, JI Wenli,
ZHENG Guoxin, The Real-Time, Simulation of Doppler
Spread in Wireless Mobile Environment by RF Circuits, Chinese Journal of
Electronics(IF0.51), 2015.10.01,24(4):837~843. 12. Qingfeng DING, Guoxin Zheng, Liu
YANG, The Novel Channel Estimation Algorithms for Rail Wireless Communication
Relying on Prediction Theory, Journal of Computational Information
Systems(IF1.3), 2013.01.01,9(23):9405~9412. 13. Ding, Qing-Feng, Zheng, Guo-Xin, Yang, Liu, Cellular
differential evolution combined opposition-based learning initialization with
orthogonal crossover, Beijing Youdian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications,2014.01.01, 37(3):7~12. 14. Ding Qing-Feng, Zheng Guo-Xin, Zuo
Li-Xia, Wu Peng, Design of MVBC Frame Transceiver Based on VHDL Information
Technology, Information Technology Journal (IF2.2)2013.12.01,12(18):4362~4367. 15. Liu Yang, Weidong Xiang and Guoxin Zheng, A Study on Vehicle Connectivity for VANETs
Adopting Beamforming Antenna Array, Mathematical Problems in Engineering(IF0.8), Volume 2017, Article ID 6240984,1-6G. X. Zheng, J. H. Sheng, and Y. P. Zhang, Propagation
of UHF Radio Waves in Trapezoidal Tunnels, Microwaves and Optical Letters, 1999, Vol., 20: 295-297. 16. Guoxin Zheng, Yanrong Ruan, Kai Kai, The channel
emulator for CBTC wireless communication system, 2010 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems
Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), UK, 2010. 9: 464-468. 17. Guoxin Zheng, Ruisheng Zhao, Yanrong Ruan,
Kai Kai, The radio channel emulator for CBTC
wireless communication systems, IET
International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing
(CCWMC 2009), 2010.7: 257-260. 18. Zheng Guoxin, Recent Advances
in Vehicular Communications and Networks in China -The development of
Millimeter Radio for Shanghai Maglev System Communications, keynote speech, The First IEEE International Conference on
Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE2008), Detroit, USA, Dec.,
8-9, 2008. 19. Zheng Guoxin, Yang Weiying, The Orthogonal Very Minimum Chirp Keying (OVMCK)
Modulations with Very High Bandwidth Efficiency, IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation and USNC/URSI
National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, USA, July 7-13, 2008. 20. Y. P.
Zhang, G. X. Zheng, and J. H. Sheng, Radio propagation at 900 MHz in underground coal mines, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2001,Vol: 49, No 5: 757-762 21. Li Zhang, Guoxin Zheng, Adaptive
QoS-aware Channel Access Scheme
for Cognitive Radio Networks, International
Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2010, 6(3): 172-182. 22. Y. P. Zhang , Y. Hwang , G. X. Zheng, A gain-enhanced
probe-fed microstrip patch antenna of very high permittivity ,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume 15, Issue 2: 89 -
91 23. Mei Sun, Yueping Zhang, Guo
Xin Zheng, Wen Yan Yin, Performance of Intra-chip Wireless Interconnect Using
On-chip Antennas and UWB Radios. Antennas and Propagation,
IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 57 , Issue: 9 , 2009: 2756 - 2762 24. Li Zhang, Guoxin Zheng, Dongli Jia, Spectrum Pooling Vertical Handover for
Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks with QoS Constrains, Journal of Convergence Information
Technology, 2010, 5(5): 156-169 25. Li Zhang, Guoxin Zheng, Dongli Jia, Reliable Information Transmission: A Chaotic
Sequence-Based Authentication Scheme for Radio Environment Maps Enabled
Cognitive Radio Networks, International
Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2010, 4(4):
48-57. 26. Li Changyi; Zheng Guoxin; Ai Qian Channel estimation for OFDM based UWB wireless
communications, WSEAS Transactions on
Circuits and Systems, Vol., 4, No., 11, November,
2005: 1765-1769. 27. Zheng Guoxin, Feng Jinzhen,
Jia Minghua, Very Minimum Chirp Keying as a Novel
Ultra Narrow Band Communication Scheme, ICICS,
Singapore, Dec.,11-13, (2007), invited paper. 28. Zheng Guoxin, Yang Weiying, He Hui, Zhao Xing, Jiang Junchao,
Jiang Lu, Non DC Offset Very Minimum Chirp Keying Modulation as a Novel Ultra
Narrow Band Communication Scheme, CCWMSN07
Proceeding, Shanghai,Dec.2007, 12-14: 755-758. 29. 贾东立,郑国莘,基于混沌和高斯局部优化的混合差分进化算法,控制与决策,Vol.25,
No.6 2010年6月:1-4 30. 张立,郑国莘,贾东立,朱亚洲,“认知无线电网络中基于控制信道预约的MAC协议”, 北京邮电大学学报,2010, Vol. 33, No. 4: 76-79 31. 冯金振,郑国莘,Chirp-BOK-BPSK调制超宽带无线传输技术,应用科学学报,2008,26,(2):123-126 32. 胡 文,郑国莘,正交Hermite脉冲的超宽带的多用户通信,电子与信息学报,2006,28,(5):852-856 33. 李畅怡,蒋婷婷,郑国莘 基于正交频分复用的超宽带无线通信中的信道估计技术,科学技术与工程,2006,6,(8):960-963
34. 贾东立,郑国莘,张立,朱亚洲,甚小线性调频键控调制波形的正弦基拟合优化,威廉williamhill体育学报,Vol.16, No.4,2010年8月:331-335 35. 赵幸,郑国莘,邱志易,过冰,曾凯伦,甚小线性调频信号的正交性分析,威廉williamhill体育学报,Vol.16, No.4,2010年8月:355-360 36. 蒋婷婷 , 郑国莘 郑瑞杰, IR-UWB测距在多径信道下的时延性能分析 应用科学学报 ,2007,03: 327-330 37. 郑国莘,对上海轨道交通无线通信系统建设的若干考虑 ,电信快报, 2004年5期:11-13 38. 王慎林, 郑国莘,电网参数快速测量法在矿用电网监测中的应用,太原理工大学学报, 1999 3:751-757 39. 高志英, 郑国莘,超宽带跳时扩频通信系统性能分析, 威廉williamhill体育学报: 自然科学版, 2004第10卷第3期2004年6月威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版) Vol.10
NO.3 Jun.2004:
225-229 40. TIAN Jin-peng, ZHENG Guo-xin, Real-time localization estimator of mobile node in
wireless sensor networks based on extended Kalman filter. J Shanghai Univ (Engl Ed), 2011, 15(2): 1–4 41. 王志麟,郑国莘,开 凯,阮艳荣,轨道交通基于通信的列车控制,无线通信系统测试平台,城市轨道交通研究,2010,(3): 52-55,59。 42. 周祥为,蔡维浩,郑国莘,贺辉,轨道交通中无线局域网性能分析与优化,微计算机信息,2008(18):108-110. 43. 贾明华,郑国莘,赵幸,张欣, 矩形隧道中电波传播特性预测,威廉williamhill体育学报,2011,17卷1期:
68-73 44. 张跃平,张文梅,郑国莘,盛剑桓,预测隧道中传播损耗的混合模型,电子学报,2001,29卷9期: 1283-1286 45. ZHAO Heng-kai, ZHENG Guo-xin, ZHANG Qing-fang,CHEN Zhi—qiang,Gaussian beamed millimeter wave propagation
characteristics due to reflecting behavior in circle tunnel,J
Shanghai Univ(Engl Ed),2010,14(1):24-28 46. Jia Dongli, Zheng Guoxin, Zhu Yazhou, Zhangli, Optimizing Polynomial Window Functions by
Enhanced Differential Evolution, 2nd International
Symposium Computer Science and Computational Technology (ISCSCT 2009),
2009.12 47. Kaikai, Guoxin Zheng, et.
al., The Reliability of CBTC System Based on IEEE 802.11 Technology, 2009 2nd IEEE WAVE, Dec.,
2009: 44-47. 48. Jia Dongli, Zheng Guoxin, Optimizing cosine window functions by
differential evolution, Second
International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering, ISISE2009,2009.12:611-614 49. Tan Changqin, Zhang Xin,
Zheng Guoxin,A Method to Improve Reliability of CBTC Wireless Link, 2009 IET International Communication
Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing Proceeding, Shanghai, Dec.,
7-9, 2009:9-12. 50. Zhao Hengkai, Zheng Guoxin, Ray Tracing
Analysis of Gaussian Beamed Millimeter Wave Propagation in Circle Tunnel, 2009 IET International Communication
Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing Proceeding, Shanghai, Dec.,
7-9, 2009: 164-167 51. Tan Changqin, Zheng Guoxin, Propagation in
Tunnel in Case of WLAN Applied to Communications-Based Train Control System, 2009 IET International Communication
Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing Proceeding, Shanghai, Dec.,
7-9, 2009: 393-396. 52. Zhai Xuping, Zheng Guoxin,et al., One Integer Cycle Modulation Method and the
Spectrum, 2009 IET International
Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing Proceeding, Shanghai,
Dec., 7-9, 2009: 280-282. 53. Xuping Zhai; He Lin; Haigen He; Guoxin Zheng; Typical UNB modulation
methods and their spectrums, Wireless Mobile and Computing
(CCWMC 2009), IET International Communication Conference on , 2009: 283 – 286. 54. Li Zhang; Guoxin Zheng, Adaptive Opportunistic
Channel Access Strategy: A Tridimensional Traffic Model for Cognitive Radio Computer Science and
Information Technology, 2008. ICCSIT '08. International Conference on Digital
Object: 277 - 281 55. Minghua Jia, Guoxin Zheng, Hui Wei,
Fading Characteristics of Radio Propagation in One-way Semicircular Subway
Tunnel at 38GHz, Proceeding of 2008
China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference,Sep., 2008:237-240. 56. Minghua Jia, Wenli Ji, Guoxin Zheng, A New Model for Predicting the
Characteristics of RF Propagation in Rectangular Tunnel, Proceeding of 2008 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference,Sep., 2008: 268-270 57. Hui Wei, Guoxin
Zheng, Minghua Jia, The
measurements and simulations of millimeter wave propagation at 38GHz in
circular subway tunnels, Proceeding of
2008 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference, Sept., 2008: 51-54. 58. Ji Wenli, Zheng Guoxin,
Bao Minqi. Ultra-Narrowband Wireless Communication Technology
Based on QVMCK Modulation,Proceeding of 2008 China-Japan Joint Microwave
Conference, Sept., 2008:185-187. 59. Bao Minqi ,
Zheng Guoxin, Ji Wenli.
BER Performance Analysis of Ultra-Narrowband Wireless Communication
Technology Based on VMCK Modulation,Proceeding
of 2008 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference, Sep., 2008:193-196. 60. M. Sun, Y.P. Zhang, Guoxin Zheng,. Modeling and measurement of the on-chip meander
antenna pair, APMC 2005. Asia-Pacific
Conference Proceedings Publication Date: 4-7 Dec. 2005 61. Changyi Li, Guoxin Zheng, Improved Channel Estimation Using Noise Reduction for
MB-OFDM UWB Systems, The IET international
conference on wireless, mobile &networks Proceedings,Hangzhou, Nov., 5-6, 2006: 513-516. 62. Wen Hu, Guoxin Zheng,
“Orthogonal Hermite Pulses Used for UWB M-ary
Communication”, in Proceedings of
International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, 2005:
97-101. 63. Li Changyi, Zheng Guoxin, Performance
Analysis of Constellation Mapping and Channel Estimation in MB-OFDM UWB
Systems, IEEE WiCOM
2006, Wuhan, Sep., 22-24, 2006 64. Jinpeng Tian, Guoxin Zheng, Keqian Wang, Application of Wireless Sensor Network in
Mine Monitoring System,Audio Language and Image
Processing (ICALIP), 2010 International Conference on, 2010: 263-268 65. Xue-Xia Yang, Yi-Min Lu, Yu-Jie Xue, Guo-Xin Zheng, Analysis on the Monopole UWB Antenna
of Double-Printed Circular Disc, Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 2006, IEEE ,
2006: 1717-1720 1. 武艺鸣,郑国莘,张楠,采用MIMO信号双向馈入泄漏电缆的线性覆盖传输系统,2015,ZL201510317441.9 2. 武艺鸣,郑国莘,张楠,信号双向馈入泄露电缆的轨道交通无线MIMO通信传输系统,2015,ZL201510317481.3 3. 杨柳 郑国莘 倪平哲 丁青锋 尹晓宇 李亚斌 孙星,一种用于窄带信号的数字带通滤波器及滤波方法,2012,ZL201210089898.5 4. 郑国莘,阮艳荣,开凯,金属封闭空间内装转动反射器构成的多径信道仿真器,2010,ZL201010289590.6 5. 金丹峰, 郑国莘,叶娇,孙星,陆秦峰,丁青锋,隧道环境多径与多普勒效应信道仿真器及仿真方法,2012,ZL20121037936.3 6. 郑国莘,杨卫英,甚小线性调频键控调制的超窄带通信方法, ZL200710047472.2 7. 郑国莘,胡文,具有无源无线传输功能的电流互感器ZL200420114221.3 8. 贺辉,郑国莘,一种用于轨道通信的无线局域网越区快速切换方法,ZL200610029233 9. 郑国莘,贾明华,移动通信系统模拟测试方法及小尺度模拟测试平台, ZL200710041148.X 10. 郑国莘,杨卫英,每符号两比特的甚小线性调频键控的超窄带通信方法, ZL200810036376.2 11. 郑国莘,冯金振,基于扫频脉冲的超宽带无线通信调制方法,ZL200810033865.2 12. 张欣,郑国莘,卫慧,高介质带衰减小尺度矩形波导管20910052038.2 13. 卫慧,郑国莘,张欣,高介质带衰减小尺度圆形波导管200910052037.8 14. 张欣,郑国莘,双网冗余轨道交通车地视频传输系统,200910052053.7 15. 郑国莘,赵幸,姜俊超等,一种线性调频键控的超窄带广播通信调制方法,201010023085.7 16. 朱亚洲,郑国莘,向卫东,一种用于高速铁路环境下的MIMO系统中的无线通信方法,201110271727.x 17. 朱亚洲,郑国莘,肖艳,一种用于高速铁路环境下的MIMO系统中的自适应预编码方法,201110087301.9 18. 刘雅君,卢佳欣,郑国莘等,基于甚小线性调频键控调制的水声通信方法,201110190508.9 |
Professor Zheng Guoxin |
Office: |
B317, Baoshan
Campus, Shanghai University |
Mail Address(Zip Code): |
99 Shangda Rd, School of Communication
and Information Engineering, Shanghai University, P.R. China(200444) |
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Interesting area: Confined
space radio communications, Wireless communications in Metro system Academic and Industrial Appointments: October
2000 - Present Professor
in School of Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai University,
China. June 2005 –
August 2005 Tan Chin
Tuan Exchange fellow in School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. August 1999
– September 2000 Professor
in the Institute of Confined Space Communications at Taiyuan University of
Technology, China. April 1995
– July 1999 Associate
Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Shanxi Mining Institute, Taiyuan University
of Technology, China. May 1995 –
July 1995 Research Assistant
in Microwave Laboratory at Chinese University of Hong Kong. October
1991 – March 1995 Lecturer in
the Department of Electronic Engineering at Shanxi Mining Institute, Taiyuan University of Technology,
China. January
1982 – August 1984 Assistant
lecturer in Department of Electronic Engineering at Taiyuan Polytechnic
Institute, Taiyuan
University of Technology, China. September
1984 – September 1991 Assistant lecturer
in Department of Electronic Engineering at Shanxi Mining Institute, Taiyuan University of
Technology, China. October
1970 – March 1978 Taiyuan
Hydraulic Pressure Plant Education: M. Eng.,
Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanxi Mining Institute, Taiyuan University of
Technology, 1987, China. B.
Eng., Department of Electronic Engineering, Taiyuan Polytechnic Institute, Taiyuan University of
Technology, 1982, China. Memberships: Vice Committee
Chair of Microwave Society of Shanghai Institute of Electronics Senior
Fellow of Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Recent publications: 1. Asad Saleem, Min
Wang, Guoxin Zheng, and Xiaoyu Yin, Spatial Characteristics of Wideband Channels
Using Leaky Coaxial Cables in Tunnel Scenario, International Journal of
Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2019,
Article ID 9374905, 10 pages,
2019. 2. Zhicheng Ren, Fangqi Zhang, Guoxin Zheng, Asad Saleem, and Ke Guan, A 3D Non-Stationary Channel Model with Moving
Mobile Station in Rectangular Tunnel, International Journal of Antennas and
Propagation, vol. 2019,
Article ID 6750153, 12 pages, 2019 3. Liu Xi, Yin Xiaoyu,
Zheng Guoxin, Experimental Investigation of
Millimeter-Wave MIMO Channel Characteristics in Tunnel, IEEE ACCESS,Digital
Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.293257. 4. Ye Jiang, Guoxin Zheng, Xiaoyu Yin, Asad Saleem, Bo Ai,
Performance Study of Millimeter-wave MIMO Channel in Subway Tunnel Using Directional
Antennas, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2018.2.26. 5. Xiaoyu Yin , Xi Liu, Guoxin Zheng , Asad Saleem, and
Xuping Zhai, 28-GHz
Channel Characterizationfor a Short Tunnel, IEEE
Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2018.12.4. 6. Pan, Yun-Tian, Zheng, Guo-Xin, Wang, Tao,
Investigation of MIMO Channel Correlation and Capacity in Curved Subway
Tunnel, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (IF 1.79), 2016.01.01,
15: 1698~1702. 7. Wu, Yiming, Zheng, Guoxin, Wang, Tao, Performance Analysis of MIMO
Transmission Scheme Using Single Leaky Coaxial Cable, IEEE Antennas and
Wireless Propagation Letters(IF 1.79), VOL. 16,
2017, 298-301. 8. Wu, Yiming, Zheng, Guoxin, Saleem, Asad, Zhang,
Yue Ping, An Experimental Study of MIMO Performance Using Leaky Coaxial
Cables in a Tunnel, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters(IF
1.79), VOL. 16, 2017:1663-1666. 9. Yun-Tian Pan, Guo-Xin Zheng, and Claude Oestges, Characterization of Polarized Radio Channel With
Leaky Coaxial Cable in a Tunnel-Like Environment, IEEE Antennas and Wireless
Propagation Letters(IF 1.79), VOL. 16,
2017:2803-2807. 10. Dakui Wu, Guoxin Zheng,
Compact Dual-Band Coupler for Vehicular Beam-Forming Array, International
Journal of Antennas and Propagation(IF 1.16),
2017.1.18, 2017:1-6. 11. LI Zhen, ZHU Xiang, JI Wenli,
ZHENG Guoxin, The Real-Time, Simulation of Doppler
Spread in Wireless Mobile Environment by RF Circuits, Chinese Journal of
Electronics(IF0.51), 2015.10.01,24(4):837~843. 12. Qingfeng DING, Guoxin Zheng, Liu
YANG, The Novel Channel Estimation Algorithms for Rail Wireless Communication
Relying on Prediction Theory, Journal of Computational Information
Systems(IF1.3), 2013.01.01,9(23):9405~9412. 13. Ding, Qing-Feng, Zheng, Guo-Xin, Yang, Liu,
Cellular differential evolution combined opposition-based learning
initialization with orthogonal crossover, Beijing Youdian
Daxue Xuebao/Journal of
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,2014.01.01, 37(3):7~12. 14. Ding Qing-Feng, Zheng Guo-Xin, Zuo
Li-Xia, Wu Peng, Design of MVBC Frame Transceiver Based on VHDL Information
Technology, Information Technology Journal (IF2.2)2013.12.01,12(18):4362~4367. 15. Liu Yang, Weidong Xiang
and Guoxin Zheng, A Study on Vehicle Connectivity
for VANETs Adopting Beamforming Antenna Array, Mathematical Problems in Engineering(IF0.8), Volume 2017, Article ID 6240984,1-6G.
X. Zheng, J. H. Sheng, and Y. P. Zhang, Propagation of UHF Radio Waves in
Trapezoidal Tunnels, Microwaves and Optical Letters, 1999, Vol., 20: 295-297. 16. Li Zhang, Guoxin Zheng, Dongli Jia, “Spectrum Pooling-Based Vertical Handover for
Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks with QoS Constrains”, Journal of
Convergence Information Technology, Vol., 5, No 5, July 31, 2010, PP 156-159 17. Li Zhang, Guoxin Zheng, Dongli Jia, “Reliable Information Transmission: A Chaotic
Sequence-Based Authentication Scheme for Radio Environment Maps Enabled
Cognitive Radio Networks”, International Journal of Digital Content
Technology and its Applications, Vol., 4, No 4, July 31, 2010, pp 48-57. 18. Li Zhang, Guoxin Zheng.
“Adaptive Opportunistic Channel Access Strategy: A Tridimensional Traffic
Model for Cognitive Radio”, International Conference on Computer Science and
Information Technology, 2008, pp.277-281. 19. Li Zhang, Guoxin Zheng,
“Adaptive QoS-aware channel access scheme for Cognitive Radio networks”,
international Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 20. G. X. Zheng, J. Z. Feng, M. H. Jia, Very Minimum Chirp
Keying as a Novel Ultra Narrow Band Communication Scheme, IEEE ICICS2007,
Singapore, Dec.,10-13, 2007, invited paper. 21. G. X. Zheng, W. Y. Yang, et a1., Non DC Offset Very Minimum Chirp Keying Modulation as a
Novel Ultra Narrow Band Communication Scheme, CCWMSN07 Proceeding, Shanghai,
Dec., 12-14, 2007: 755-758. 22. G. X. Zheng, W. Y. Yang, The Orthogonal Very
Minimum Chirp Keying (OVMCK) Modulations with Very High Bandwidth Efficiency,
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation and USNC/URSI
National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, July, 5-12, 2008, appeared. 23. J. Z. Feng, G. X. Zheng, Ultra-Wideband Wireless
Communication System Based on Chirp -BOK-BPSK Modulation, Journal of Applied
Sciences,2008,26,(2): 123-126. 24. W. Hu, G. X. Zheng , Orthogonal
Hermite Pulses Used for UWB M-ary Communication, in
Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and
Computing, ITCC, v 1, Proceedings ITCC 2005 - International Conference on
Information Technology: Coding and Computing, 2005: 97-101. 25. C. Y. Li, ,G. X. Zheng,
Q. Ai, Channel estimation for OFDM based UWB wireless communications, in
Proceedings of WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, v 4, n 11,
November, 2005: 1765-1769. 26. Z. Y. Gao, G. X. Zheng, Performance Analysis of
UWB Time-Hopping Spread-Spectrum Communication System, Journal of Shanghai
University (In Chinese) , Vol. 10, No. 3, June,
2004: 225-229. 27. Z. Y. Gao, G. X. Zheng, Performance Analysis of
TH-BPSK UWB Communication Systems using Different waveforms, in Proc. of 2003
Symposium on Communication Principle and Signal Processing, China: 764-769. 28. Z. Y. Gao, G. X. Zheng, UWB Time-Hopping
Spread-Spectrum Communication System using BPSK Modulation Scheme, in Proc.
of 2003 Symposium on Microwaves and Millimeter-wave symposium of China:
856-860. 29. H. Y. Zhang, G. X. Zheng, Narrow Band Interference
Suppression In Ultra-Wide Band Systems, in Proc. of
2003 Symposium on Microwaves and Millimeter-wave symposium of China: 861-865. 30. W. Fan, G. X. Zheng, Ultra-Wideband Pulse Shape And Spectrum Analysis, in Proc. of 2003 Symposium on
Microwaves and Millimeter-wave symposium of China: 22-25. 31. Y. P. Zhang, G. X. Zheng, J. H. Sheng, Radio
Propagation at 900MHz in Coal Mines, IEEE Transactions on Antenna and
Propagations, Vol., 49, No., 5, May, 2001:757-762. 32. G. X. Zheng, Y. P. Zhang, et al, UTD prediction of
radio wave propagation Characteristics in tunnel microcellular environment,
Acta Electronics Sinica, Vol. 26, No. 12, Dec.,
1998: 26-30. 33. G. X. Zheng, J. H. Sheng, Y. P. Zhang, Propagation of UHF radio waves
in trapezoidal tunnels, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 20,
No. 5, March, 1999:295-297. 34. G. X. Zheng, Y. P. Zhang, et al, UHF Radio
Propagation Characteristics in straight open-groove structure, Journal of
Taiyuan University of Technology, Vol. 30, No. 1, Jan., 1999:1-5. 35. G. X. Zheng, Y. J. Li, et al, Application of Electromagnetic
Compatibility Technology in design of microcomputer for mine monitoring and
control, Journal of China Coal Societies, Vol. 23, No. 5, Oct., 1998:
535-539. 36. G. X. Zheng, W. M. Zhang, Y. P. Zhang, J. H.
Sheng, Theory of radio wave propagation in railway tunnel, Journal of Railway
Engineering Society, Series No. 61, March, 1999: 92-97. 37. Y. P. Zhang, Y. Hwang and G. X. Zheng,
Gain-enhanced probe-fed microstrip patch antennas with very high
permittivity, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 15, No. 2, June,
1997: 89-91. 38. Y. P. Zhang, T. S. Ng., G. X. Zheng, et al, Radio
propagation within coal mine longwall faces at 900MHz, Microwave and Optical
Technology Letters, Vol. 18, No. 3, June, 1998: 184-187. 39. Y. Hwang, Y. P. Zhang and G. X. Zheng, Planar
inverted F antennas loaded with high permittivity material, Electronics
Letters, Vol. 31, No. 20, Sept., 1997: 1710-1713. Research Projects: 1. Key
technology of information security in intelligent running surveying system of
railway transit, funded by Shanghai Administration, 2015-2017,
(270000CHY). 2. Microwave
and Millimeterwave radio propagation modeling in tunnels
and real time channel emulation theory, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012-2015, (650,000 CHY). 3. Channel
modeling in metro tunnels and its application, 2012-2015, funded by Key Project
of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2012-2016, (2,900,000 CHY). 4. Field
strength measurement for Meglev system, funded by National
Eleven Five Plan Supporting project, 2009-2010,(1,200,000 CHY) 5. Very
Minimum Chirp Keying with High Transmission Rate as Ultra Narrow Band Radio
Communication Scheme, 6. Test
Bed for Wireless Communication System in Metro, funded by National Science and
Technology Bureau, 2010-2011, (300,000 CHY). 7. The
First China-made Equip of Wireless Communication Based Train Control System,
funded by Shanghai Economy Administration Project,
2008-2009, (15,000,000 CHY). 8. Propagation
Characteristics of Millimeter Waves in Tunnels, funded by National
Eleventh Five- Year Supporting Plan, 2009-2010, (1,200,000 CHY). 9. Key
Technology of Ultra-Wide Band Radio Communications, funded by Shanghai Municipality International Collaboration Project
between Shanghai University of China and Nanyang Technical University of
Singapore, 2005-2007, (200000 CHY) . 10. Propagation
of Millimeter Waves in Confined Spaces, funded by the 863 National Key
Foundation of China, 2005-2006. 11. Interoperability
of TETRA Systems in Shanghai Metro, funded by Shanghai Municipality, 2004-2006, (400000 CHY). 12. Interoperability
of TETRA Systems in Shanghai Metro, funded (400000 CHY) by Shanghai
Municipality, 2004-2006. 13. Narrow
Band Interference Suppression in Ultra-Wide Band Systems, funded by Shanghai Key Disciplinary Development
Programs, 2003. 14. Technical
specification for trunked mobile radio system of urban rail transit, funded
(280000 CHY) by Shanghai City
Construction Bureau, 2003. 15. Trunked
mobile radio system of urban rail transit, funded by Shanghai City Construction Bureau and Shentong
Co. Ltd., 2002(100000 CHY). 16. Personal
Communication System in Working Face and Gate Entries in Mines, funded by the
National Natural Science Foundation
of China, 1999-2002(300000 CHY). 17. Applications
of Blue-tooth Technology, funded by the Key Project of Ten Five Key Program of Shanghai, 2001-2002
(900000 CHY). 18. Excitation
and propagation of UHF radio waves in confined spaces funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China, 1996-1999 (140000 CHY). 19. A
low cast personal radio communications for underground mines funded by the
National nine-five Key Program, The
Ministry of Coal Industry, 1996-1999(50000 CHY). 20. Coal
shearer power supply control using RF link technique funded by the Ministry of Coal Industry, 1996-1999
(45000 CHY). 21. Characteristics
of radio propagation channel in long-wall mining faces, funded by the Government of Shanxi Province, 1998-1999
(45000 CHY). Honors: Dedicated measurement technology and its
applications for metro and high speed train wireless
communications, The third class of Shanghai
Science and Technology Award, 2014. Key technology of wireless communications
in metro systems, The third class of Shanghai
Science and Technology Award, 2010. Test bed for wireless communications in
metro systems, The first class of University
exhibition award, 2010 China International Industry Fair, Shanghai. Outstanding Teacher of BAOGANG award, 2008. Characteristics of UHF radio propagation in
mining tunnels, The second class of Shanxi
Province Science and Technology Award, 2000. Outstanding Yong Scientist Award from Shanxi Provincial Government,1996. Outstanding Scientist and Technician of Shanxi Coal Administration Bureau,
1995. Outstanding Teacher of Shanxi Institute of Mining and Technology, 1994. |