杨雪霞,教授,博导生导师 |
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Science期刊副主编,Chinese Journal of Electronics期刊编委,《威廉williamhill体育学报》(自然科学版)编委。研究领域包括现代天线理论与技术、微波输能技术、微波电路和电磁场数值计算,主持完成包括国家科技部863项目、军委科技委创新项目、国家自然科学基金在内的国家部委项目及上海市、企业项目20余项。出版专著《微波输能技术》,发表学术论文200余篇,其中SCI期刊论文80 余篇,授权专利10余项。 【教育经历】 1998-2001威廉williamhill体育,电磁场与微波技术专业工学博士学位 1991-1994 兰州大学,无线电物理理学硕士学位 1987-1991 兰州大学,无线电物理理学学士学位 【工作经历】 2008-至今 威廉希尔,教授 2011-2012 美国密西西比大学电子工程系,访问学者 2001-2008 威廉希尔,讲师、副教授 1994-1998 兰州大学电子与信息科学系,助教、讲师 【研究领域】 现代天线理论与技术:可重构天线、波束扫描平板天线阵、5G MIMO天线、毫米波天线与阵列、超宽带天线 微波输能理论与技术:微波毫米波整流天线、微波输能系统优化与设计、信息并行传输、环境电磁能量收集 计算电磁学:FDTD、MoM、 GA、PSO算法在天线、整流天线设计中的应用 【主持的主要科研项目】 1. 面向物联网的微波携信高效传能前端整流阵列理论与设计,国家自然科学基金,2022-2025 2. 毫米波自适应高效率无线输能关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目子项目,2020-2024 3. 5G移动终端天线研究,企业研发项目,2020-2022 4. 波束扫描天线研究,国家部委预研项目,2019-2020 5. 基于基片集成波导的宽带波束扫描天线阵理论与设计,国家自然科学基金,2018-2021. 6. 5G毫米波天线阵列,华为研发项目,2018-2021 7. 微波输能研究,国家部委预研项目,2017-2018 8. 公共无线携能通信系统关键技术研发,国家863子项目,2015-2018 9. 真实环境建模器建模仿真开发,企业研发项目,2017-2019 10. 毫米波天线阵列及其波导转换,企业研发项目,2017-2018 11. 环境电磁***研究,总装863创新基金: 2015-2017 12. 毫米波高转换效率整流天线与阵列的设计理论与实现方法研究,国家自然科学基金,2013-2016 13. “动中通”平板天线,企业研发项目,2014-2015 14. 毫米波平板天线,华为研发项目,2012-2013 15. 可重构天线***研究,总装863创新基金,2010-2011 16. ***天线关键技术,总装863创新基金, 2007-2009 17. 综合口径雷达多波段多极化平面天线阵,国家863项目,2007-2010 18. 整流天线技术研究,上海市经委:2007-2008 19. 微系统中无线输能技术的一体化分析与设计,威廉williamhill体育优秀青年教团队助项目, 2005-2006 20. 整流天线的天线形式及其阵列研究,上海市教委发展基金,2004-2006 21. 吸波材料并行计算方法研究,某研究所技术合作项目,2002-2003 22. RCS计算研究,某研究所技术合作项目,2001-2002 【讲授课程】 高等电磁场理论(硕士生课程,2013-) 电子科学新技术进展(硕士生课程,2002-) 计算电磁学(硕士生课程,2002-2012) 微波毫米波技术(硕士生课程,2003) 微波技术(本科生课程, 2004-) 电磁场理论(本科生课程,2002-2004) 【学术兼职】 中国电子学会天线分会委员,中国电子学会微波分会委员,中国电子学会高级会员, 上海市电子学会高级会员,IEEE
Senior Member Radio
Science 编委,《威廉williamhill体育学报》(自然科学版)编委 期刊和会议审稿专家:IEEE
Trans.-AP, IEEE Trans-MTT, IEEE Power, IEEE Trans-PE, IEEE Trans-VT, IEEE
AWPL, IEEE MWCL, IET MAP, Electronics Letts, IEEE Access, IEEE APS, EuCAP, APCAP, iWAT, ISAP, 电子学报、电波科学学报、电子与信息学报、应用科学学报,等等. 国际国内会议TPC:IEEE iWAT, ISAP, ICMMT, IEEE APCAP, IEEE APPEEC, 中国电子学会天线年会, 全国微波毫米波会议,等等 【公司产品】 在读研究生: 2021级:博士生:冯强,硕士生:张传胜、严诗雯、王娟、严宇龙 2020级:博士生:楼天、余钒,硕士生:姚婷、黄巍、魏佳敏 2019级:硕士生:顾怡敏、肖博中、汪凌泽港、刘久春 2018级:博士生:黄巍、曹其栋 2017级:博士生:Sajjad
Rahim 2016级:博士生:邱厚童 2015级:博士生:蒋新胜、王燕 毕业研究生: 2018级:秦雪龙(上海华为)、谢宁杰(上海华为) 2017级:殷章飞(上海华为)、朱乃达(上海华为)、朱戈亮(上海华为)、余钒(读博) 2016级:楼天(上海华为)、李林(紫光展锐)、Elobied Abubaker(博士生,Ministry
of Higher Education, Sudan) 2015级:仲辉腾(上海华为)、李凌峰(紫光展锐)、刘二佳(浙江力邦) 2014级:梅欢(上海华为)、于英杰(上海航天部研究所)、雷经纬(上海工行) 2013级:周华伟(博士生,上海霍莱沃)狄陆祺(上海航天部研究所)、陆佳骏(上海航天部研究所) 2012级:谭冠南(博士生,Amphenol)、聂美娟(上海华为)、韩冰(上海华为) 2011级:卢忠亮(博士生,江西理工大学)、薛海皋(博士生,Luxshare)、沈龙(上海华为)、胡越(上海银行) 2010级:龚波(苏州博世)、王业清(Advantest)、杜哲(上海机电工程研究所) 2009级:江超(上海华为)、邵秉成(Coriant) 2008级:吕艳青(上海华为)、周鋆(思科) 2007级:高艳艳(上海华为)、周建永(中科院电子所) 2006级:王华红(上海华为)、孙晓萌(上海交大读博) 2005级:盛洁(中国移动)、孙江涛(日本早稻田大学读博) 2004级:薛玉杰(上海华为)、陆袆敏(Amphenol) 2003级:李越飞(上海华为) 2002级:蔡鹏(威廉williamhill体育读博) 2001级:陈晓梅(中电五十一所) 招生方向: 电磁场与微波技术、电子科学与技术方向的博士、硕士研究生及博士后。 著作 1. 微波输能技术,杨雪霞,黄文华,科学出版社,2018.12 2. Chapter: “Antennas in microwave
wireless power transmission,” Handbook of Antenna Technologies,Editors: Zhi Ning Chen,ISBN: 978-981-4560-75-7,Publisher Springer Singapore, Sep.
2015, pp.1-37 3. 微波技术基础,第三版,杨雪霞等编著,清华大学出版社,2021.10 期刊论文: 1.
Y. Wang, X. -X. Yang, G. -N. Tan and S. Gao, "Study on
millimeter-wave SIW rectenna and arrays with high conversion
efficiency," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 5503-5511, 2021. 2.
Q. Yang; S. Gao, Q. Luo, L. Wen,
Y.-L. Ban, X.-X. Yang, X. Ren, J.
Wu, "Cavity-backed slot-coupled patch antenna array with dual slant
polarization for millimeter-wave base station applications, " IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 1404-1413, 2021. 3.
Q. Yang, S. Gao, Q. Luo, L.
Wen, Y. Ban, X. Ren, J. Wu, X. Yang,
and Y. Liu, "Millimeter-wave dual-polarized differentially fed 2-D
multibeam patch antenna array," IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 68, no. 10, pp.
7007-7016, 2020. 4.
X. Rui, S. Gao, J. Liu, J.-Y.
Li, Q. Luo, W. Hu, L. Wen, X.-X Yang
and J. T. S. Sumantyo, "Analysis and design of
ultrawideband circularly polarized antenna and array, " IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 7842-7853, Dec. 2020 5.
C. Gu, S. Gao, V. Fusco, R. Xu,
G. Gibson, B. Sanz and X.X. Yang, "A D-band 3D-printed antenna, " IEEE Trans. Terahertz Sci. Techn., vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 433-442, 2020 6.
Z. Yin, X. Yang, F. Yu, and S. Ga, "A novel miniaturized Antipodal vivaldi antenna with high gain, " Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol.62,
pp.418-424, 2020. 7.
A. A. Elobied,
X. Yang, N. Xie,
and S. Gao, "Dual-band 2 × 2 MIMO antenna with compact size and high
isolation based on half mode SIW, " International
Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2020, Article ID 1212894, 9
pages. 8.
X. -X. Yang, N. -J. Xie,
N. -D. Zhu, G. -Q. He, M. Li and S. Gao, "Broadband dual-polarized endfire array with compact magneto-electric planar Yagi
antenna for mm-wave terminals," IEEE
Access, vol. 9, pp. 52708-52717, 2021. 9.
X. -X. Yang, N. -J. Xie,
N. -D. Zhu, G. -Q. He, M. Li and S. Gao, "Broadband dual-polarized endfire array with compact magneto-electric planar Yagi
antenna for mm-wave terminals," IEEE
Access, vol. 9, pp. 52708-52717, 2021. 10. X. Qin, G. He, X. Yang, Steven Gao, "A
compact rectifier design method utilizing harmonics", Applied Science-Basel, 2021. 11. F. Yu, G. He, X.-X. Yang,
J. Du and Steven Gao, "Polarization-insensitive metasurface
for harvesting electromagnetic energy with high efficiency and frequency
stability over wide range of incidence angles", Applied Sciences, 10, 8047, pp.1-10, 2020. 12. A. Elobied, X. Yang, T. Lou, and S. Gao, “Compact
2 × 2 MIMO antenna with low mutual coupling based on half mode substrate
integrated waveguide,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 69, no.5, pp.2975-2980, 2021. 13. H. Qiu, X. Yang, Y. Yu, T. Lou, Z. Yin and S. Gao, "Compact beam-scanning
flat array based on substrate-integrated waveguide," IEEE Trans.
Antennas Propag., vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 882-890, 2020. 14.
Z. Yin, G. He, X. Yang and S. Gao, "Miniaturized ultrawideband half-mode
Vivaldi antenna based on mirror image theory," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 19, no. 4,
pp. 695-699, April 2020. 15.
Q. Yang, S. Gao,
Q. Luo, L. Wen, Y. Ban, X. Yang,
X. Ren, J. Wu, Dual-polarized crossed slot array antenna designed on a single
laminate for millimeter-wave applications, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. vol. 68,
no. 5, pp. 4120-4125, 2020. 16.
W. Hu, T. Feng, S.
Gao, L. Wen, Q. Luo, P. Fei, Y. Liu, X.
Yang, "Wideband circularly polarized antenna using single-arm
coupled asymmetric dipoles," IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 68, no. 7,
pp.5104-5113, 2020. 17.
Yin, X. Yang, F. Yu, and S. Gao,
“A novel miniaturized antipodal Vivaldi antenna with high gain," Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol.62, pp.418-424, 2020. 18.
Lou, Xue-Xia Yang, Houtong
Qiu, Zhangfei Yin, Steven
Gao, Compact dual-polarized continuous transverse stub array with
two-dimension beam scanning, IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol.67, no.5,
pp.3000-3010, 2019 19.
Lou, Xue-Xia Yang, Houtong
Qiu, Qi Luo, Steven Gao, Low-cost electrical beam
scanning leaky-wave antenna based on bent corrugated substrate integrated
waveguide, IEEE Antennas and Wireless
Propagation Letters, vol.18, no.2, pp. 353 - 357, 2019 20.
Luo, S. Gao, W. Li, M. Sobhy, I. Bakaimi, C. Groot, B. Hayden, I. Reaney,
X. Yang, Multibeam dual-circularly
polarized reflectarray for connected and autonomous
vehicles, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology,
vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 3574-3585, 2019. 21.
Li, Xuexia Yang, Geliang
Zhu, Qi Luo, Steven Gao, Compact High Efficiency Circularly Polarized
Rectenna Based on Artificial Magnetic Conductor. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies,
vol.11, no. 9, pp.975-982, 2019. 22.
Zhu, Xue-Xia Yang, Tian Lou, Qidong Cao, Steven Gao, Broadband
polarization-reconfigurable slot antenna and array with compact feed network,
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation
Letters, vol.18, no.6, pp.1293-1297, 2019. 23.
Zhu, J. Du, X. Yang, Y. Zhou, S.
Gao, Dual-polarized communication rectenna array for simultaneous wireless information
and power transmission, IEEE Access vol.7, 141978-141986, 2019. 24.
Yang, S. Gao, Q. Luo, L. Wen, X. Ren, J. Wu, Y. Ban, X. Yang, "A low complexity 16*16 butler matrix design using
eight-port hybrids," IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 177864-177873, 2019. 25.
Luo, S. Gao, M. Sobhy, X. Yang, Z. Cheng, Y. Geng, J. Sumantyo, A hybrid design method for thin panel transmitarray antennas, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol.67 , no.10, pp.
6473-6482, 2019. 26.
Lou, X. Yang, H. Qiu, “Low-profile annular ring-shaped continuous
transverse stub antenna array with two-dimensional beam scanning,” Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol.62, no.3, pp1-6, Nov.
2019. 27.
朱乃达,杨雪霞,邱厚童,宽带高增益圆极化微带天线与阵列,太赫兹科学与电子信息学报,vol.17, no.3, pp.448-451, 2019. 28.
Steven Gao, Yahya Rahmat-Samii,
Richard Hodges, and Xuexia Yang, Advanced antennas
for small satellites, Proceedings
of the IEEE, Vol. 106, No. 3, March 2018: 391-403 29.
Hua-Wei Zhou, Xue-Xia Yang, and Sajjad Rahim, “Array
Synthesis for Optimal Microwave Power Transmission in the Presence of
Excitation Errors,” IEEE
vol. 6, pp. 27433-27441, 2018. 30.
Fan Yu, Xuexia Yang, Huiteng
Zhong, Chengyi Chu, and Steven Gao,
Polarization-insensitive wide-angle-reception metasurface
with simplified structure for harvesting electromagnetic energy,Applied Physics Letters, vol.113, no.12, 123903, 2018. 31.
Hua-Wei Zhou, Xue-Xia Yang, and Sajjad Rahim, “Synthesis
of the Sparse Uniform-Amplitude Concentric Ring Transmitting Array for
Optimal Microwave Power Transmission,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2018, Article ID 8075318,
p.8, 2018. 32.
Qi Luo, Steven Gao, Mohammed Sobhy, Xuexia Yang,
Wideband transmitarray with reduced profile, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation
Letters, vol. 17, no.3, pp. 450-453, 2018. 33.
Chun-Xu Mao, Steven Gao, Yi Wang, Ying Liu, Xue-Xia Yang, Zhiqun
Cheng, Youlin Geng
Integrated dual-band filtering antennas, IEEE
Access, vol.6, pp.8403-8411, 2018 34.
Le-Hu Wen; Steven Gao; Chun-Xu Mao; Qi Luo; Wei Hu; Yingzeng Yin; Xuexia Yang,
A wideband dual-polarized antenna using shorted dipoles, IEEE Access, vol.6, pp.39725-39733, 2018. 35.
Yonggang Zhou ; Fuguo Zhu ; Steven Gao ; Qi Luo ; Le-Hu Wen ; Qiwei Wang ; Xuexia Yang ; Youlin Geng; Zhiqun Cheng, Tightly Coupled Array Antennas for
Ultra-Wideband Wireless Systems, IEEE
Access, vol.6, pp.61851–61866, 2018 36.
Liu Yang; Yong Jin Zhou; Chao Zhang; Xin
Mi Yang; Xue-Xia Yang; Chong Tan, Compact Multiband Wireless
Energy Harvesting Based Battery-Free Body Area Networks Sensor for Mobile
Healthcare, IEEE Journal of
Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, vol.2, no.2, pp.109-115,
2018. 37.
Xue-Xia Yang, Lu-Qi Di, Ying-Jie Yu, Steven Gao, "Low-profile frequency-scanned
antenna based on substrate integrated waveguide", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 2017. vol.
54, no. 4, 2051-2056, 2017. 38.
Hui-Teng Zhong, Xue-Xia Yang, Xing-Tang Song, Zhen-Yue Guo and Fan Yu,
Wideband metamaterial array with polarization-independent and wide incident
angle for harvesting ambient electromagnetic energy and wireless power
transfer, Applied Physics Letters,
vol.111, no.21, 213902, 2017. 39.
C. Gu, S. Gao, B. Sanz-Izquierdo, E.
Parker, F. Qin, H. Xu, J. Batchelor. X. Yang, Z. Cheng, 3D-coverage beam-scanning antenna using
feed array and active frequency selective surface, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 65,
no.11, 5862-5870, 2017. 40.
C. Gu, S. Gao, B. Sanz-Izquierdo,
E Parker, W. Li, X. Yang and Z.
Cheng, Frequency-agile beam-switchable antenna, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol.65,
no.8, pp.3819-3826, 2017. 41.
C. Mao, S. Gao, Y. Wang, Q. Chu, X. Yang, Dual-band circularly
polarized shared-aperture array for C -/ X -band
satellite communications, IEEE Trans.
Antennas Propag., vol.65, no.10, pp. 5171-5178,
2017. 42.
Wei Yang, Guo-Hui Li, Yu-Dan Wu, Ya-Na Yang, Li Sun, Xue-Xia Yang, A compact quarter-mode SIW bandpass filter with an
extremely wide stopband, Progress in Electromagnetics
Research Letters, vol. 67, pp. 13-18, 2017. 43.
Yuhong He, Zhewang
Ma, Xuexia Yang, "A compact utral-wideband bandpass filter with broad stopband based
on step-impedance stub-loaded tri-mode resonator, " IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 14, no. 3, pp.1-11, 2017.
Zhong-Liang Lu, Xue-Xia Yang, Guan-Nan Tan, "A multidirectional pattern
reconfigurable patch antenna with CSRR on the ground", IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag.
Lett., vol. 26, pp.416-419,
2017. 45.
Hai-Gao Xue, Xue-Xia Yang, Zhe-Wang
Ma and Yan Wang, "Single-fed
broadband circularly polarized dipole antenna with simple structure",
Electronics Lett., vol.53, no.3,
pp. 134-136, 2017. 46.
Yu-Dan Wu, Guo-Hui
Li; Wei Yang, Xue-Xia
Yang, "Design of compact wideband QMSIW band-pass filter with
improved stopband," Progress in Electromagnetics
Research Letters, vol. 65, pp. 75-79, 2017. 47.
Xue-Xia Yang, Guan-Nan Tan, Bing Han, and
Hai-Gao Xue, "Millimeter wave Fabry-Perot
resonator antenna fed by CPW with high gain and broadband", Int. J. Antennas Propag.,
Volume 2016, Article ID 3032684, 2016. 48.
Huan Mei, Xue-Xia Yang, Guan-Nan Tan, Bing Han,
"High-efficiency microstrip rectenna for Microwave Power Transmission at
Ka Bandwidth with Low Cost". IET Microw., Antennas Propag.,
vol. 10, no.15, pp: 1648-1655, 2016. 49.
Jia-Jun Lu, Xue-Xia Yang,
Huan Mei, and Chong Tan, "A four-band rectifier with adaptive power for
electromagnetic energy harvesting", IEEE
Microw. Wireless Compon.
Lett, vol. 26, no.10, pp.819-821, 2016. 50.
Guan-Nan Tan, Xue-Xia Yang, Zhong-Liang
Lu and Xin-Sheng Jiang," Metamaterial loaded vivaldi
antenna with high gain and equal beamwidths at Ka band", Microw. Opt. Techn.
Lett. vol. 58, no. 10, pp: 2337-2341, 2016. 51.
Guan-Nan Tan, Xue-Xia Yang,
Huan Mei, Zhong-Liang Lu, "Study on millimeter-wave
Vivaldi rectenna and arrays with high conversion efficiency", Int. J. Antennas Propag.,
Volume 2016, Article ID 1897283, 2016. 52.
Hui-Teng Zhong, Xue-Xia Yang, Chong Tan and Kai Yu, "Triple-band
polarization-insensitive and wide-angle metamaterial array for electromagnetic
energy harvesting", Applied
Physics Lett., 2016. 53.
Kai-Da Dong, Jing-Yan Mo, Yu-Hong He, Zhe-Wang Ma,Xue-Xia Yang, "A compact millimeter-wave dual-band bandpass
filter using substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) dual-mode cavities", IEICE Trans. Electronics, vol.E99C,
no.7, pp.761-765, 2016. 54.
Kai-Da Dong, Jing-Yan Mo,Yu-Hong He, Zhe-Wang
Ma, Xue-Xia Yang, "Design of a
millimeter-wave wideband bandpass filter with novel-slotted substrate
integrated waveguide", Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett., vol.58, no.10, pp:
2406-2410, 2016. 55.
Mei-Juan Nie, Xue-Xia Yang, Guan-Nan Tan, and Bing Han, "A compact 2.45-GHz
broadband rectenna using grounded coplanar waveguide",IEEE
Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol.14, pp.986-989, 2015. 56.
Hai-Gao Xue, Xue-Xia Yang, Zhewang Ma,"A
novel microstrip-CPW fed planar slot antenna with broadband and circular
polarization", IEEE Antennas
Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 14, pp.1392-1395,
2015. 57.
Zhong-Liang Lu, Xue-Xia Yang
and Guan-Nan Tan," A wideband printed tapered slot antenna with pattern
reconfigurability", IEEE Antennas
Wireless Propag. Lett., vol.13, pp.1613-1616,
2014. 58.
Yong Jin Zhou, Xue-Xia Yang, Tie Jun Cui," A multidirectional frequency
splitter with band-stop plasmonic filters", J. Applied Physics, Mar. 2014. 59.
Xue-Xia Yang, Chao Jiang, et al, "A novel compact printed rectenna for
data communication systems", IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propag, vol. 61, no. 5,
pp.2532-2539, 2013. 60.
Xue-Xia Yang, Chao Jiang, et al, "A circularly polarized broadband
printed array with a bud-shape feedline network", IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett.,
vol. 12, pp.627-630, 2013. 61. Xue-Xia Yang, Bo Gong, Guan-Nan Tan, and
Zhong-Liang Lu, "Reconfigurable patch antennas with four-polarization
states agility using dual feed ports", Progress
In Electromag. Research B,
vol. 54, 285-301, 2013. 62.
Xue-Xia Yang,
Bing-Cheng Shao, Fan Yang, Atef Z. Elsherbeni and
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Xue-Xia Yang and Shun-Shi Zhong, "Analysis of two dual-polarization
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Guan-Nan Tan, Xue-Xia Yang,
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Mei-Juan Nie, Xue-Xia Yang, and Jia-jun Lu,
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efficiency for microwave power transmission", Progress in Electromag. Research Lett.,
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Guan-Nan Tan, Xue-Xia Yang,
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dual-polarized Fabry-Perot cavity antenna at Ka band with broadband and high
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Guo-Ping Gao, Xue-Xia
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梅欢,杨雪霞,“圆极化整流天线阵列设计与实验”,电工技术学报,vol.30 sup1, pp.282-285, 2015. 91.
卢忠亮,杨雪霞,谭冠南,“一种平面印刷电控波束扫描天线阵”,电子与信息学报,vol.36, no. 36, pp.1515-1519,
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吕艳青,杨雪霞,周鋆,“一种用于微波输能的小型化整流电路”,应用科学学报, vol. 29, no.5, pp.508-511, 2011. 93. 杨雪霞,微波输能技术概述与整流天线研究新进展,电波科学学报,vol.24, no.4, pp.770-779, 2009. 94.
徐君书,徐得名,杨雪霞,“管道内微带天线的FDTD全波分析”,电波科学学报,vol.19, no.5, pp.618-621, 2004. 95.
杨雪霞,钟顺时,“双极化微带天线单元及二元阵的FDTD法分析”,电子学报, vol.30, no.9, pp.1296-1299, 2002. 96.
钟顺时,杨雪霞,高式昌,“一种新型极化捷变有源微带天线阵”,电子学报,vol.29, no.6, pp.782-784, 2001. 97.
杨雪霞,钟顺时,“双极化方形微带天线的阻抗特性”,电波科学学报,vol.15, no.2, pp.119-203, 2000. 98.
Xue-Xia Yang, Jie Sheng, "Optimization of a band-notched UWB
antenna using micro-genetic algorithm combined with FDTD", J. Shanghai
Univ. (English
Edition), vol.13, no.5, pp.375-378, 2009. 99.
Xue-Xia Yang and Yu-Jie Xue, "Design of a compact low-pass filter with wide
stopband", J. Shanghai Univ. (English Edition), vol.12, no.6,
pp.495-497, 2008. 100.
陆佳骏,杨雪霞,“915 MHz功率自适应平面印刷整流电路设计与实验”,威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版), vol. 22, no. 4, pp.381-387,
2016. 101.
周华伟,杨雪霞,“远距离微波输能系统波束捕获效率的优化”, 空间电子技术,vol.12,
no.6, pp.14-17, 2015. 102.
杨雪霞,周华伟,周永金,梅欢,“微波无线输能技术研究进展与系统设计”,威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版),vol.20, no.5, pp.541-549, 2014. 103.
龚波, 杨雪霞, “一种波束可调的平面印刷八木天线”,威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版),vol.20, no.1, pp.83-91,
2014. 104.
沈龙,杨雪霞,聂美娟,胡越,“一种新型的双频整流电路”,微波学报,pp.63-66, 2014. 105.
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胡越,杨雪霞,卢忠亮,“一种地板加载可变电容的频率可重构天线研究”,电子元件与材料,vol.33, no.6,
pp. 42-45, 2014. 107.
王业清,杨雪霞,江超,“整流天线组阵等效模型分析与实验”,威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版), vol.19.
no.3, pp.266-270, 2013. 108. 杜 哲,杨雪霞,龚波,王业清,“一种双频左/右旋圆极化可重构环形缝隙微带天线”,电子元件与材料,vol.32, no. 1, pp.34-38, 2013. 109. 孙钰君,杨雪霞,“一种双对称U型槽加载的三频贴片天线”,无线电工程,vol.42, no.1, pp.30-32, 39, 2012. 110.
高艳艳,杨雪霞,周建永,“一种小型化的高效率微波整流电路分析与设计”,威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版),vol.17, no.1, pp.64-67, 2011. 111.
周鋆, 杨雪霞, 吕艳青,“共面带状线馈电三频高增益微带天线”,威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版),vol.17, no.3, pp. 3106 - 3108,
2011. 112.
周鋆, 杨雪霞, 吕艳青,江超,“一种共面带状线馈电宽带圆极化双频微带天线”, 微波学报,vol.27, no.4, pp.73-76, 2011. 113.
孙晓萌,杨雪霞,王华红,周建永,“易于集成的高增益双环形印刷天线”,威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版),vol.16, no.1, pp.31-34, 2010. 114.
王华红,杨雪霞,周建永,孙晓萌, “基于开环双模谐振器的双频带滤波器”,威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版), vol.16, no.2, pp.115-119,
2010. 115.
周建永,杨雪霞,高艳艳,“一种CPS馈电的宽带圆极化双菱环天线”,无线电工程,vo1.40, no.5, pp. 40-42, 2010. 116.
高艳艳,杨雪霞,周建永, “新型CPS型低通滤波器在整流天线中的应用”, 无线电工程,vol.40, no.9, pp.32-33, 2010. 117.
江超,杨雪霞,白巧玲,“用缺陷地结构抑制圆极化微带天线的谐波”,无线电通信技术, vol.36, no.3, pp.24-27, 2010. 118.
杨雪霞, “密集市区CDMA2000 1X基站前向覆盖预测方法研究”, 移动通信, 2010. 119.
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孙江涛,杨雪霞,盛洁,“易于有源集成的圆极化微带天线”,应用科学学报, vol.26,
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no.5, pp.74-77, 2008. 122.
杨雪霞,薛玉杰, “X波段圆极化整流天线的设计与实验”, 威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版),vol.13, no.4, pp.377-382, 2007. 123.
薛玉杰,杨雪霞,“一种新颖的DMS低通滤波器的分析与设计”,应用科学学报, vol.25, no.3, pp.272-275, 2007. 124.
李越飞,杨雪霞,张文俊,“感性可调MEMS电容性膜开关的微波等效模型分析”,威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版),vol.12, no.2, 111-115, 2006. 125.
蔡鹏,杨雪霞,徐得名,“非线性器件的时域有限差分法分析”,应用科学学报, vol.23, no.2, pp.136-139, 2005. 126.
蔡鹏, 杨雪霞,徐得名,“用于整流天线的口径耦合圆极化微带天线的设计与实验”,微波学报,vol.21,
no.5, pp.34-36, 2005. 127.
陈晓梅,杨雪霞,徐得名,“FDTD(2,4)算法的数值色散特性及其在微带天线中的应用研究”,威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版),vol.10 ,
no.2, pp.111-114, 2004 128.
陈晓梅,杨雪霞,王少锋,“毫米波双极化微带贴片天线的FDTD分析”,无线电工程,vol.34, no.3, pp.39-40, 2004. 129.
杨雪霞,钟顺时,高式昌,“放大器型双极化有源微带天线阵的理论与实验”,应用科学学报,vol.18, no.3, pp.227-231, 2000. 130.
杨雪霞,钟顺时,“角馈方形微带天线的输入阻抗与散射参数”,威廉williamhill体育学报(自然科学版),vol.5, no.3, pp.237-240, 1999. 会议论文: 131. 杨雪霞 扆梓轩 曹其栋 楼天 邱厚童,连续切向枝节波束扫描天线阵列研究,2021年天线年会,2021.10.24-27,宁波,邀请报告 132. F. Yu, X.-X Yang, S. Gao, Broadband
wide-angle polarization-independent rectifying metasurface
for wireless power transfer and
energy harvesting, 2021 iWEM,2021.11.7-9,Guangzhou, China,Invited talk 133. Q. Yang,
S. Gao, R. Xu, X. Ren, J. Wu, Y. Wang and X. Yang,
Dual-polarized millimeter-wave and sub-THz array antennas for 5G and beyond, ICMMT 2021, 2021.5.23-26, Nanjing, China (Invited talk) 134. Q. Yang,
S. Gao, R. Xu, X. Ren, J. Wu, Y. Wang and X. Yang,
Broadband dual-polarized multi-beam millimeter-wave and sub-THz antennas for
joint communications and radar sensing systems, iWAT
2021, 2021.7.31-8.2, Shenzhen, China (Keynote
talk) 135.
Elobied, X.
Yang, B. Du, S. Gao, “Dual-polarized 2×2 MIMO antenna based on half mode
substrate integrated waveguide, 2019
13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP).
Luo, S. Gao, W. Li, X. Yang, G.
Wen, “Ultra-wideband and multiband reflectarrays
for intelligent multi-functional platforms,13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2019.3.31-2. 137.
H. Qiu,
J. Du, Y. Yu, B. Du, X. Yang, S. Gao, A frequency-scanned continuous transverse
stub array with broad angle based on SIW, 13th
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP),
2019.3.31-2. 138.
X. Yang, N. Zhu, N. Xie, M. Hou and S. Gao, "Broadband Dual-Polarized
Phased Array with Broadside and Endfire Radiation
for 5G Millimeter Wave Communications," 2019 Computing, Communications and IoT Applications (ComComAp), Shenzhen, China, 2019, pp. 210-212. 139.
Huang, J. Du, G. Tan, X. Yang,
"A Novel 35-GHz Slot-Coupled Patch Rectenna Array Based on SIW Cavity
for WPT," 2019 International
Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT),
Guangzhou, China, 2019, pp. 1-3. 140.
Li, J. Du, X. Yang, "Dual
Polarized Rectenna and Array at X-band with High-Efficiency," 2019 International Conference on Microwave
and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT), Guangzhou, China, 2019, pp. 1-3. 141.
Luo, S. Gao, B. S. Izquierdo, X. Yang, X. Ren and J. Wu,
"Low-Cost Smart Antenna Using Active Frequency Selective Surfaces,"
2019 International Symposium on
Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Xi'an, China, 2019, pp. 1-3. 142.
Luo, S. Gao, X. Yang and J. T. Sri
Sumantyo, "Thin Transmitarray
Panel with full 360-degree Phase Shift Range," 2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP),
Xi'an, China, 2019, pp. 1-3. 143.
Yu, J. Du and X. Yang, "Four-Band
Polarization-Insensitive and Wide-Angle Metasurface
with Simplified Structure for Harvesting Electromagnetic Energy," 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless
Symposium (IWS), Guangzhou, China, 2019, pp. 1-3. 144. Tian Lou, Xue-Xia Yang, Lin Li, Elobied
Abubaker, A flat dual-polarized continuous transverse stub antenna array
based on substrate integrated waveguide, 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), pp.1-3, 2018. 2018.4-9. 145. Lin Li ;
Xue-Xia Yang ; Geliang
Zhu ; Huawei Zhou, A compact high-efficiency rectifying circuit with class-F
filter, 2018 International
Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT), pp.1-3, 2018.3.4-7, Nanjing 146. Mingfang Wang, Tao Wang, Yanzan Sun, Yating Wu, Yongjin Zhou, Xuexia Yang, Automated
FMCW Radar Experimental Platform, 2018 2nd
pp.856–860, 2018 147.
Hui-Teng Zhong, Xue-Xia Yang, Broadband metamaterial surface with
polarization-insensitive and wide-angle for electromagnetic energy harvesting,
2017 IEEE International Workshop on
Antenna Technology( iWAT
2017), Mar 1-3, 2017. 148.
Lingfeng Li, Xuexia
Yang, Erjia Liu, Geliang Zhu, Design
and experiment of a miniaturized high-efficiency printed rectifier, 2017APCAP, Xi’an China. 149.
Jingwei Lei, Xuexia
and Elobied Abubaker, Metamaterial-enhanced dual
polarized HMSIW antenna for MIMO applications, 2017APS, San Diego, pp.1657-1658. 150.
Erjia Liu; Xuexia Yang; Lingfeng Li, Triple-band GCPW rectifier for harvesting EM energy,
2017 International Applied
Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES), Suzhou, China, pp.1-2, 2017. 151.
Lu-Qi Di, Xue-Xia Yang,
Ying-Jie Yu, "A planar broadband beam steering
array with low cost", 2016
International Wireless Symposium (IWS), pp.1-3, 2016. 152.
Hai-Gao Xue, Ling-Feng Li, Xue-Xia Yang, Zhe-Wang
Ma, Jing-Yan Mo, "A wideband circular polarization quasi
magnetic-electric dipole antenna with single feed", 2016 IEEE MTT-S Int. Conf. Numerical Electromag.
& Multiphysics Modeling and Optim. (NEMO),
pp.1-3, 2016. 153.
Kai-Da Dong, Jing-Yan Mo, Yu-Hong He, Zhe-Wang Ma, Xue-Xia Yang,
"Design of a millimeter-wave dual-band bandpass filter using SIW
dual-mode cavities", 2016 IEEE
MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS), pp.1-3,2016. 154.
Huan Mei, Xue-Xia Yang, Ying-Jie Yu,
"SIW cavity-backed circularly polarized dual loop antenna with broadband
at Ka band", ISAP
2016, Okinawa, Japan, pp.710-711,2016. 155.
Xue-Xia Yang, Lu-Qi Di, Ying Shen, Ji-Fu Huang, "A compact beam steering
planar array with broadband and high gain", IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas & Propag. (ISAP), Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 2015. 156.
Guan-nan Tan, Xue-Xia Yang,
"A dual-polarized Fabry-Perot cavity antenna at millimeter wave band
with high gain",2015 IEEE 4th Asia-Pacific Conf.
Antennas & Propag. (APCAP),Bali Island, Indonesia, pp.621-622,
2015. 157.
Jia-Jun Lu, Xue-Xia Yang
and Chong Tan, "A dual-frequency rectifier with adaptive power", 2015 Asia-Pacific Microw.
Conf.(APMC), Nanjing, pp.1-3, 2015. 158.
Kai-Ga Dong, Yu-Hong He, Xue-Xia Yang, Zhe-Wang
Ma, "Millimeter-wave wideband bandpass filter using novel slotted
substrate integrated waveguide", 2015
Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf.(APMC), vol.
3, 2015, pp.1-3,2015. 159.
Xue-Xia Yang, Zhong-Liang Lu, Guan-Nan Tan, and Yong-Jin
Zhou, "Pattern reconfigurable printed antennas with high gain and
broadband", PIERS Proceedings,
Guangzhou, China, pp.1378-1382, Invited paper, 2014. 160.
Xue-Xia Yang, Hua-Wei Zhou and Guan-Nan Tan,
"Design of a C-band microwave power transmission system for long
distance application", 2014
Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), pp. 682-685,
Harbin, China, Invited paper, 2014. 161.
Mei-Juan Nie, Xue-Xia Yang, Guan-Nan Tan," A broad band rectifier with wide
input power range for electromagnetic energy harvesting", 2014 Asia-Pacific Microw.
Conf. (APMC), Harbin, China, pp. 1187-1189, 2014. 162.
Guan-Nan Tan, Xue-Xia Yang,
Chong Tan, "Design of rectifying circuit for wireless power transmission
in Ka band", 2014 IEEE Int. Sym.
Antennas & Propag., Memphis, USA,
pp.639-640, 2014. 163.
Bing Han, Xue-Xia Yang, Hai-Gao Xue, "A millimeter-wave Febry-Perot
antenna with high-gain and circular polarization operation", 2014 Asia-Pacific Microw.
Conf. (APMC), Harbin, China, pp.40-43, 2014. 164.
Hua-Wei Zhou and Xue-Xia Yang,
"Aperture optimization of transmitting antennas for microwave power
transmission systems", 2014 IEEE
Int. Sym. Antennas & Propag., Memphis , USA, pp.1357-1358. 2014. 165.
Xue-Xia Yang, Guan-Nan Tan and Ye-Qing Wang," A 35GHz stacked patch
antenna with dual-polarized operations", 2013 Proc. Int. Symp. Antennas & Propag. (ISAP), vol. 1, pp.384-387, 2013. 166.
Xue-Xia Yang, Ye-Qing
Wang, Guan-Nan Tan, "A
millimeter tapered slot antenna fed by SIW with broadband and high
gain", 2013 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Workshop Series on RF & Wireless Techn. for Biomedical and Healthcare App. (IMWS-Bio),
Singapore, pp.1-3, 2013. 167.
Long Shen, Xue-Xia Yang, "A novel rectifier circuit
operating at dual-frequencies of 1.8 GHz and 2.4 GHz", 2013
IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Workshop Series on RF &
Wireless Techn. for Biomedical and Healthcare App.
(IMWS-Bio), Singapore,
pp.1-3, 2013. 168.
Zhong-Liang Lu,
Xue-Xia Yang, "A novel planar beam
steering antenna", 2013 IEEE
Int. Wireless Symp.( IWS), Beijing, China,pp.1-4, 2013. 169.
Xue-Xia Yang,
Bo Gong, Fang Yang, Atef Z. Elsherbeni, "A
reconfigurable patch antenna with quadri-polarization
states using dual feed ports", 2012
IEEE Int. Sym. Antennas & Propag. (APSURSI), pp:1-2,2012. 170.
Xue-Xia Yang, Chao
Jiang, A.Z. Elsherbeni, Fan Yang, Ye-Qing Wang,
"A novel compact printed rectenna for communication systems", 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Power and Energy
Engineering Conf. (APPEEC), pp:1-4,2012. 171.
Ye-Qing Wang, Xue-Xia Yang, "Design of a
high-efficiency circularly polarized rectenna for 35 GHz microwave power
transmission system", 2012 IEEE
Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conf. (APPEEC), pp:1-4,2012. 172. Zai-Feng Yang, Lu-Hong Zhang, Zhe-Wang Ma, Xue-Xia Yang,
"Design of a compact dual-band dual-mode microstrip filter with an
adjustable transmission zero", IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., 2012. 173.
Xue-Xia Yang and Chao Jiang, "Circularly polarized microstrip antenna
with high gain and low profile", 2011 IEEE Int. Sym. Antennas & Propag. (APSURSI), pp.1566-1569, 2011. 174.
Cao Sai-Xiong, Xue-Xia Yang, Gong Bo
and Bing-Cheng Shao, "A reconfigurable microstrip antenna with agile
polarization using diode switches", 2011 IEEE Int. Sym. Antennas & Propag. (APSURSI), pp.1566-1569, 2011. 175.
Peng Cai, Xue-Hui Guan, Xue-Xia Yang, Yong Zhang, Bin Chen, Jian
Huang and Yun-Song Wu, “Wideband bandpass filter
using parallel-coupled line and step-impedance open stubs” The Third IEEE Int. Symp.
Microw., Antenna, Propag.
& EMC Techn. for Wireless Communications,
pp.1047-1049, Oct.2009. 176. Xue-Xia Yang,
Jian-Yong Zhou, Yan-Yan Gao, "Circularly polarized
broadband dual loop antenna fed by coplane stripline", 2009 IEEE Int. Symp. Radio-Frequency
Integration Techn., pp.315-318. 2009. 177.
Xue-Xia Yang, Jie Sheng, "Design of a band-notched UWB monopole using
genetic algorithm combined with FDTD", 2008 Global Symp. Millimeter Waves
(GSMM2008), pp.268-270, Apr. 2008. 178. Hua-Hong Wang,
Yan-Yan Gao, Xue-Xia Yang, et al, "A novel
compact stepped-impedance resonator lowpass filter", China-Japan Joint Microw.
Conf., vol.1, pp.72-74, Sep. 2008. 179. Xiao-Meng
Sun, Yan-Yan Gao, Xue-Xia Yang, et al, "A
high gain printed dual-loop antenna for rectenna systems applications",
China-Japan Joint Microw.
Conf., vol.2, pp.450-453, Sep. 2008. 180. Jiang-Tao Sun, Xue-Xia Yang,
Toshihiko Yoshimasu, Xiao-Meng Sun," Bow-tie
loop printed antenna with high gain and broad beamwidth for 5.8GHz rectenna
application", IEEE 2008 Int. Conf.
Circuits & Sys. for Communication, pp:312-314,May.
2008. 181. Xiao-Rong
Yan, Shun-Shi Zhong and Xue-Xia Yang,
"Compact printed monopole antenna with super-wideband", IEEE 2007 Int. Symp.
Microw., Antennas, Propag.
EMC Technol. for Wireless Communications, pp.605-607, Aug. 2007. 182.
Xue-Xia Yang, Yu-Jie Xue,
Yi-Min Lu and Peng Cai,"Circularly polarized 4-element array fed by aperture
coupling for rectennas application",2006 IEEE
Antennas Propag. Society Int. Symp., pp.875-878, 2006. 183.
Xue-Xia Yang, Yi-Min Lu, Yu-Jie Xue,"Analysis on the monopole UWB antenna of double-printed
circular disc", 2006 IEEE Antennas Propag. Society Int. Symp.,
pp.1717-1720, 2006. 184.
Xue-Xia Yang, Jun-Shu Xu and De-Ming Xu," Compact
circularly polarized rectennas for microwave power transmission
applications",7th Int. Symp. Antennas, Propag.
EM Theory Proc., pp.1258-1260, 2006. 185.
Xue-Xia Yang and Yi-Min Lu, "Propagation characteristics of millimeter
wave in circular tunnels", 7th Int. Symp. Antennas, Propag. EM
Theory Proc., pp.541-544, 2006. 186.
Xue-Xia Yang, Peng Cai, Wen-Jun Zhang, "Rigorous analysis of the active
antennas using
FDTD", 2006 IEEE
Int. Symp. Antennas Propag.
Dig., pp.3865-3868, 2006.
Wen-Hui Shen, Lei Chen, Xue-Xia Yang, "A design of phased arrays carried on
vehicles for Ku band satellite communication", 2006 IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. Dig., pp.545-548, 2006. 188.
Wen-Hui Shen, Guo-Xin Zheng, Xue-Xia Yang, Wei Cao,
"The model of moment method approach to millimeter wave propagation loss
over irregular terrain", 2006 IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. Dig.,
2006. 189.
Yue-fei Li, Xue-Xia Yang, Wen-Jun Zhang,"The microwave equivalent circuits of tuned MEMS
shunt-capacitive switches", 2005 Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf. Proc.,
vol.5, pp.3466-3469, 2005. 190.
Peng Cai, Xue-Xia Yang, Zhe-Wang
Ma, and Wen-Jun Zhang,"Analysis of the stability of high-order FDTD(2,4)
algorithm", 2005 Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf. Proc., vol.3, pp.1791-1794, 2005. 191.
Peng Cai, Zhe-Wang Ma, Xue-Hui Guan, Xue-Xia Yang, Kobayashi
Yoshio, Anada Tetsuo, Hagiwara Gen,"A compact UWB bandpass filter using two-section open-circuited stubs to
realize transmission zeros", Asia-Pacific
Microw. Conf. Proc,vol.5, pp.3356-3359,2005. 192. Shun-Shi Zhong and Xue-Xia Yang, et al, "16-element
polarization-agile microstrip antenna array with one phase-shift
circuit ", 2002 IEEE Int. Antennas
and Propag. Symp. Dig.,
pp.224-227, Jun. 2002. 193.
Xue-Xia Yang, Shun-Shi Zhong and Shi-Chang Gao, "A novel
polarization-agile active microstrip antenna array with LNA", Proc. of 5th Int. Antennas, Propag, Electrom. Symp., pp.94-97, Aug. 2000. 194.
Xue-Xia Yang, "Progress in microwave power transmission", Int. Symp. Wireless Power Transmission Key Tech. & App.
(ISWPT2013), Guiyang, China, Keynote speech. 2013. 195.
Yi-Min Lu, Xue-Xia Yang and
Guo-Xin Zheng, "Analysis on a novel UWB antenna of
double-printed circular disc",
2006 China-Japan Microw. Conf. Proc., vol.2, pp.646-649, Aug. 2006. 196.
Jun-shu Xu, De-ming
Xu, Xue-Xia Yang, Chang-long Xu,"Analysis and design of microstrip
antenna for rectenna of in-pipe micromachine using FDTD method",IEEE Int.
Antennas and Propag. Symp.
pp.1082-1085, Sep. 2004. 197.
朱乃达 杨雪霞,宽带高增益圆极化微带天线与阵列,2017年天线年会,西安,2017.10.16-19,pp.25-27 198.
狄陆祺,杨雪霞,于英杰,沈颖,黄季甫,“基于慢波结构的CPW馈电CTS波束扫描天线阵列”,2015年天线年会,江西南昌,2015. 199.
陆佳骏,杨雪霞,狄陆祺,“一种功率自适应的四频整流电路”,2015天线年会,江西南昌,2015. 200.
胡越,杨雪霞,沈龙,“一种地板加载可变电容的频率可重构天线”,2013全国天线年会论文集(下册),pp:1009-1011, 2013. 201.
沈龙,杨雪霞,龚波,胡越,“频率和方向图可重构印刷单极子天线”,2013全国天线年会论文集(下册),pp:1006-1009, 2013. 202.
谭冠南,杨雪霞,王业清,“基片集成波导缝隙耦合馈电的微带贴片天线”,2013全国天线年会论文集(上册),pp:21-24, 2013. 203.
江超,杨雪霞,龚波,王业清,“低功率密度下具有通信功能的整流天线”,2011年全国天线年会论文集(上册),pp:30-33, 2011. 204.
高艳艳,杨雪霞,周建永,“一种新型的宽阻带共面带状线低通滤波器”,2009年全国微波毫米波会议论文集[C]. 西安:电子工业出版社, pp.419-422,May. 2009. 205.
周建永,杨雪霞,高艳艳,“一种共面带状线馈电的小型化宽波束平面天线”,2009全国毫米波微波会议[C]. 西安:电子工业出版社,pp.773-776, May. 2009. 206.
周建永,杨雪霞,高艳艳,“一种CPS馈电的宽带圆极化双菱环天线”,天线年会,成都,pp.1091-1094, 2009. 207.
江超, 杨雪霞,“一种谐波抑制圆极化微带天线的设计”,天线年会,成都,pp.116-119,
2009. 208.
杨雪霞,徐长龙, “用于无线输能的整流天线的设计与实验”,2007年中国浮空器大会,北京,
pp.435-440, 2007. 209.
盛洁,杨雪霞,孙江涛,“具陷波功能的双面印刷圆形超宽带天线”,2007年全国天线年会,合肥,pp.577-581, 2007. 210.
孙江涛,杨雪霞,盛洁,“谐波抑制圆极化微带天线的分析与设计”, 2007年全国天线年会,合肥,pp.304-307, 2007. 211.
徐君书,徐长龙,徐得名,杨雪霞,“管道内无缆机器人微波供能接收天线的研究”,2003年全国微波会议论文集,pp.709-712, 2003. 212.
杨雪霞,钟顺时,“双极化方形微带天线的研究”,中国电子学会天线年会,1999年中国电子学会论文集,嘉兴,pp.250-253. Aug. 1999. 专利: 1.
杨雪霞,沈龙,陆佳骏,于英杰,雷经纬,一种双频平面印刷三角缝隙阵列天线,申请号201410759823.2,授权公告日2017.7.25 2.
杨雪霞,高艳艳,周建永,高转换效率的圆极化整流天线,申请号CN200910052036.3,申请日: 3.
杨雪霞,王发家超宽带偶极子天线,授权号:CN201153150Y,专利号:ZL 2008 2 0054542.7,证书号:第1133518号,实用新型 4.
杨雪霞,王发家. 发明专利:超宽带印刷单极子天线200810032380.1 5.
杨雪霞,邵秉成,共面波导馈电的三频频率可重构天线,专利号:ZL 2011 1 0255488.9授权公告日:2014年4月2日 6.
杨雪霞,杜哲,龚波,王业清,一种新型双频频率与极化可重构天线,专利申请号:ZL 2012 1 0223470.5, 授权公告日2015.2.25 7.
谭冠南,一种高转换效率的基片集成波导整流天线,专利号ZL 2013 1 0287785.0,授权公告日2015.2.25 8.
杨雪霞,韩冰,聂美娟,陆佳骏,梅欢,毫米波共面波导馈电的单层介质板Fabry-Perot天线,申请号201410312399.7, 授权公告日2016.10.19 9.
陆佳骏,杨雪霞,梅欢,一种环境电磁能量收集器,申请号201510273126.0, 发文日:2015.5.27(无权-视为撤回) 10. 仲辉腾,杨雪霞,刘二佳,李凌峰,魏居正,一种三频极化不敏感电磁能量收集单元和收集表面,申请号 201610360626.2,发文日:2016.5.31 11. 杨雪霞,邱厚童,楼天,彭章飞,朱乃达,一种双极化CTS波束扫描天线阵,申请号201711274064.0,发文日2017.12.06,授权日2020.8.4 12. 杨雪霞,李林,朱戈亮,余钒,郭振跃,一种双极化方向回溯整流天线阵列,申请号201711274062.1,发文日2017.12.06,授权日2020.6.26 13. 杨雪霞,李凌峰,邱厚童,周华伟,王燕,一种能量信息并行传输整流天线阵列,申请号201711274068.9,发文日2017.12.06 14. 杨雪霞,殷章飞,半模Vivaldi天线及小型化大角度频扫天线阵列,申请号201910923949.1.0,授权公告日2020.11.17 15. 杨雪霞,朱乃达,侯猛,一种集边射和端射为一体的波束扫描天线阵列,CN201910258631.6,发文日2019.4.1,授权公告日2020.7.7 16. 杨雪霞,邱厚童,一种高增益双极化SIW-CTS天线阵,申请号202011220984.6,发文日2020.11.5 17. 何国强,徐涛,杨雪霞,一种极化和相位360度可调的透镜单元,申请号202010964535.6 18. 扆梓轩,李美玲,杨雪霞,《磁感应无线电能传输线圈及磁感应式无线电能传输系统》, CN202010002648.8; 19. 李美玲,杨祺浩,杨雪霞. 一种具带内透过带外吸收型天线罩[P]. 专利申请号202011179504.6. 20. 李美玲,杨祺浩,杨雪霞. 一种超薄吸收型天线罩[P]. 专利申请号202011489602.X. 21. 杨雪霞,楼天,何国强,徐智慧,一种双频双圆极化天线单元及天线阵列,申请号202011179503.1,发文日2020.10.29 22. 杨雪霞,楼天,何国强,一种共口径低剖面双频双圆极化天线单元,申请号202110166538.X,发文日2021.2.7 |
YANG Xuexia, Ph.D/ Professor |
Office: |
Rm, Tongxin Building, Baoshan
Campus, Shanghai University |
Mail Address(Zip Code): |
99 Shangda Rd, Shanghai
Dep. Communication Engineering, P.R. China (200444) |
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Education 1998-2001:
Shanghai University, P. R. China, received Ph.D. in 2001 1991-1994:
Lanzhou University, P. R. China, received M.S. degree in 1994. 1987-1991:
Lanzhou University, P. R. China, received B. S. degree in 1991. Working Experience 2008-present:
School of Communication & Information Engineering, 2011-2012:
Department of Electrical Engineering, the 2001-2008:
School of Communication & Information Engineering, 1994-1998:
Department of Electronics & Information Science, Research Interests Antenna
theory and technology: reconfigurable antennas, beam steering array antennas,
MIMO antennas, millimeter-wave antennas and arrays,
UWB antennas Microwave
Power Transmission: rectennas, optimization and microwave power transmission
systems, communication with wireless power transmission, ambient
electromagnetic energy harvesting, millimeter-wave rectennas Computational
Electromagnetics: Applying FDTD,
MoM, GA, PSO in antennas and rectennas design Teaching Courses Advanced
Theory of Electromagnetical Fields(for
graduate students,2013-) Computational
Electromagnetics(for graduate
students, 2002-2012) Technology
of Microwave and Millimeter(for graduate
students, 2003) Advanced
Technology of Electronics Science(for graduate
students, 2002-) Microwave
course) Theory of Electromagnetical Fields(undergraduate
course, 2002-2004) Professional Activities IEEE Senior
Member, 2017-present. Associate Editor of Radio Science,
2020-present Committee Member
of Antenna Branch, China Electronic Committee, 2007-present Senior Member of
China Electronic Committee, 2005-perent Senior Member of
Shanghai Electronic Committee, 2005-present Member of
Editorial Board of “Journal of Shanghai University (Science edition),”
2008-present Keynote speech,
"Progress in microwave power transmission", Int. Symp. Wireless Power Transmission Key Tech. & App.
(ISWPT2013), Guiyang, China, May 25-27, 2013. Invited paper,
"Design of a C-band microwave power transmission system for long
distance application", 2014 Asia-Pacific Microw.
Conf. (APMC), pp. 682-685, Harbin, China, June 26-29, 2014. TPC member of
2017iWAT, 2017 IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology, Athens,
Greece, 1-3 March, 2017. TPC member of 2017
UCMMT, The UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimetre-Waves
and Terahertz Technologies, 11th -13th September 2017, Liverpool, UK. TPC member of
2015APCAP, 2015 IEEE 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation,
June 30- July 4, 2015, Bali Island, Indonesia. TPC member of 2013
IEEE IMWS-Bio, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on RF and
Wireless Technologies for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications, Singapore,
Dec. 9-11. TPC member and
reviewer of the National conference on Antennas, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013,
2015, 2017 Journals reviewer:
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag, IEEE Antennas Wireless
Propag. Lett., IEEE Trans. Microw.
Technol, IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon.
Lett, IET Microw., Antennas Propag.,
Electronics Lett., IEICE Electronics Express, etc. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter,
and Terahertz Waves, PIERS, Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering, Conference
reviewer: APS, APCAP, iWAT, ISAP, etc Main Research Projects 1.
National Natural Science Foundation of
China, “Theory and design of broadband beam steering array based on SIW”,
leader, 2018-2021. 2.
The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863
Project), “Research and development of key technologies of public wireless
communication systems with power”, leader of sub-project, 2015-2018. 3.
Enterprise R & D project, “5G Millimeter
wave MIMO antenna arrays,” 2018-2019. 4.
Enterprise R & D project, “Program
development for EM simulation,” 2017-2019. 5.
Enterprise R & D project, “Millimeter
wave antenna array and the waveguide convertors,” 2017-2018. 6.
National Natural Science Foundation of
China, “Study on the design principle and realization method for
millimeter-wave rectennas and arrays with high conversion efficiency, leader,
2013-2016. 7.
Enterprise R & D project, “Beam Scanning
Array for Communication on Move,” 2014-2015. 8.
Huawei Enterprise R & D project,
“Millimeter wave plat array,” 2012-2013. 9.
Innovation Foundation of 863 project, “Study
on reconfigurable antenna”, leader, 2010-2011. 10.
Innovation Foundation of 863 project, “Study
on rectennas”, leader, 2007-2009. 11.
The National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863
Project), “Planar antenna array with multi-band and multi-polarization for
SAR”, leader, 2007-2010. 12.
Project of Shanghai Economy Administration
Project, “Study on rectenna technology,” leader, 2007-2008. 13.
863 National Key Foundation of 14.
Project of Shanghai Education Committee,
“antennas and array for rectennas application”, leader, 2004-2006. 15.
National Key Lab on Millimeter Wave
(Southeast University) “Dual-polarized microstrip antennas and array design
by FDTD,” leader, 2004-2005. 16.
National Natural Science Foundation of
China, “Study on miniaturization of microstrip antennas,” main participant,
2003-2005. 17.
National Natural Science Foundation of
China, “Study on rectennas operating on mid- and low power,” main
participant, 2002-2004. Co-author
of a book: “Antennas
in microwave wireless power transmission,” Handbook of Antenna Technologies,Editors: Zhi Ning
Chen,ISBN: 978-981-4560-75-7 ,Publisher Springer Singapore, Sep.
2015, pp.1-37 Journal
papers 1.
Y. Wang, X. -X. Yang, G. -N. Tan and S. Gao, "Study on
millimeter-wave SIW rectenna and arrays with high conversion
efficiency," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 5503-5511, 2021. 2.
Q. Yang; S. Gao, Q. Luo, L. Wen,
Y.-L. Ban, X.-X. Yang, X. Ren, J.
Wu, "Cavity-backed slot-coupled patch antenna array with dual slant
polarization for millimeter-wave base station applications, " IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 1404-1413, 2021. 3.
Q. Yang, S. Gao, Q. Luo, L.
Wen, Y. Ban, X. Ren, J. Wu, X. Yang,
and Y. Liu, "Millimeter-wave dual-polarized differentially fed 2-D
multibeam patch antenna array," IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 68, no. 10, pp.
7007-7016, 2020. 4.
X. Rui, S. Gao, J. Liu, J.-Y.
Li, Q. Luo, W. Hu, L. Wen, X.-X Yang
and J. T. S. Sumantyo, "Analysis and design of
ultrawideband circularly polarized antenna and array, " IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 7842-7853, Dec. 2020 5.
C. Gu, S. Gao, V. Fusco, R. Xu,
G. Gibson, B. Sanz and X.X. Yang, "A D-band 3D-printed antenna, " IEEE Trans. Terahertz Sci. Techn., vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 433-442, 2020 6.
Z. Yin, X. Yang, F. Yu, and S. Ga, "A novel miniaturized Antipodal vivaldi antenna with high gain, " Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol.62,
pp.418-424, 2020. 7.
A. A. Elobied,
X. Yang, N. Xie,
and S. Gao, "Dual-band 2 × 2 MIMO antenna with compact size and high
isolation based on half mode SIW, " International
Journal of Antennas and Propagation, vol. 2020, Article ID 1212894, 9
pages. 8.
X. -X. Yang, N. -J. Xie,
N. -D. Zhu, G. -Q. He, M. Li and S. Gao, "Broadband dual-polarized endfire array with compact magneto-electric planar Yagi
antenna for mm-wave terminals," IEEE
Access, vol. 9, pp. 52708-52717, 2021. 9.
X. -X. Yang, N. -J. Xie,
N. -D. Zhu, G. -Q. He, M. Li and S. Gao, "Broadband dual-polarized endfire array with compact magneto-electric planar Yagi
antenna for mm-wave terminals," IEEE
Access, vol. 9, pp. 52708-52717, 2021. 10.
X. Qin, G.
He, X. Yang, Steven Gao,
"A compact rectifier design method utilizing harmonics", Applied Science-Basel, 2021. 11.
F. Yu, G. He, X.-X. Yang, J. Du and Steven Gao,
"Polarization-insensitive metasurface for
harvesting electromagnetic energy with high efficiency and frequency
stability over wide range of incidence angles", Applied Sciences, 10, 8047, pp.1-10, 2020. 12.
A. Elobied, X. Yang,
T. Lou, and S. Gao, “Compact 2 × 2 MIMO antenna with low mutual coupling
based on half mode substrate integrated waveguide,” IEEE Trans.
Antennas Propag., vol. 69, no.5, pp.2975-2980, 2021. 13.
H. Qiu,
X. Yang,
Y. Yu, T. Lou, Z. Yin and S. Gao, "Compact beam-scanning flat array
based on substrate-integrated waveguide," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 882-890,
2020. 14. Z. Yin, G. He, X. Yang and S. Gao, "Miniaturized ultrawideband half-mode
Vivaldi antenna based on mirror image theory," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 19, no. 4,
pp. 695-699, April 2020. 15. Q. Yang, S. Gao, Q. Luo, L. Wen, Y. Ban, X. Yang, X. Ren, J. Wu, Dual-polarized
crossed slot array antenna designed on a single laminate for millimeter-wave
applications, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 4120-4125, 2020. 16. W. Hu, T. Feng, S. Gao, L. Wen, Q. Luo, P. Fei, Y. Liu, X. Yang, "Wideband circularly
polarized antenna using single-arm coupled asymmetric dipoles," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
vol. 68, no. 7, pp.5104-5113, 2020. 17.
Yin, X. Yang, F. Yu, and S. Gao,
“A novel miniaturized antipodal Vivaldi antenna with high gain," Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol.62, pp.418-424, 2020. 18.
Lou, Xue-Xia Yang, Houtong
Qiu, Zhangfei Yin, Steven
Gao, Compact dual-polarized continuous transverse stub array with
two-dimension beam scanning, IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol.67, no.5,
pp.3000-3010, 2019 19.
Lou, Xue-Xia Yang, Houtong
Qiu, Qi Luo, Steven Gao, Low-cost electrical beam
scanning leaky-wave antenna based on bent corrugated substrate integrated
waveguide, IEEE Antennas and Wireless
Propagation Letters, vol.18, no.2, pp. 353 - 357, 2019 20.
Luo, S. Gao, W. Li, M. Sobhy, I. Bakaimi, C. Groot, B. Hayden, I. Reaney,
X. Yang, Multibeam dual-circularly
polarized reflectarray for connected and autonomous
vehicles, IEEE Trans. Vehicular
Technology, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 3574-3585, 2019. 21.
Li, Xuexia Yang, Geliang
Zhu, Qi Luo, Steven Gao, Compact High Efficiency Circularly Polarized
Rectenna Based on Artificial Magnetic Conductor. International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies 22.
Zhu, Xue-Xia Yang, Tian Lou, Qidong Cao, Steven Gao, Broadband
polarization-reconfigurable slot antenna and array with compact feed network,
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation
Letters, vol.18, no.6, pp.1293-1297, 2019. 23. Steven Gao, Yahya Rahmat-Samii, Richard Hodges, and Xuexia Yang, Advanced antennas for small satellites, Proceedings
of the IEEE Vol. 106, No. 3, March 2018: 391-403 24. Qi Luo, Steven Gao, Mohammed
Sobhy, Xuexia Yang,
Wideband transmitarray with reduced profile, IEEE
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 17, no.3, pp. 450-453, 2018. 25. Chun-Xu Mao, Steven Gao, Yi Wang,
Ying Liu, Xue-Xia Yang, Zhiqun
Cheng, Youlin Geng
Integrated dual-band filtering antennas, IEEE Access, vol.6, pp.8403-8411,
2018 26.
Hua-Wei Zhou, Xue-Xia Yang, and Sajjad Rahim, “Array
Synthesis for Optimal Microwave Power Transmission in the Presence of
Excitation Errors,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 27433-27441, 2018. 27.
Fan Yu, Xuexia Yang, Huiteng
Zhong, Chengyi Chu, and Steven Gao,
Polarization-insensitive wide-angle-reception metasurface
with simplified structure for harvesting electromagnetic energy,Applied Physics Letters, vol.113,
no.12, 123903, 2018. 28.
Hua-Wei Zhou, Xue-Xia Yang, and Sajjad Rahim, “Synthesis
of the Sparse Uniform-Amplitude Concentric Ring Transmitting Array for
Optimal Microwave Power Transmission,” International Journal of Antennas and
Propagation, Vol. 2018, Article ID 8075318, p.8, 2018. 29.
Le-Hu Wen; Steven Gao; Chun-Xu Mao; Qi Luo; Wei Hu; Yingzeng Yin; Xuexia Yang,
A wideband dual-polarized antenna using shorted dipoles, IEEE Access, vol.6,
pp.39725-39733, 2018. 30. Xue-Xia Yang, Lu-Qi Di, Ying-Jie Yu, Steven Gao, "Low-profile frequency-scanned
antenna based on substrate integrated waveguide", IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag. 2017. vol. 54, no. 4, 2051-2056, 2017. 31.
Yonggang Zhou ; Fuguo Zhu ; Steven Gao ; Qi Luo ; Le-Hu Wen ; Qiwei Wang ; Xuexia Yang ; Youlin Geng; Zhiqun Cheng, Tightly Coupled Array Antennas for
Ultra-Wideband Wireless Systems, IEEE Access, vol.6, pp.61851–61866, 2018 32.
Liu Yang; Yong Jin Zhou; Chao Zhang; Xin
Mi Yang; Xue-Xia Yang; Chong Tan, Compact Multiband Wireless
Energy Harvesting Based Battery-Free Body Area Networks Sensor for Mobile
Healthcare, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine
and Biology, vol.2, no.2, pp.109-115, 2018. 33. Hui-Teng Zhong, Xue-Xia Yang, Xing-Tang Song, Zhen-Yue
Guo and Fan Yu, Wideband metamaterial array with polarization-independent
and wide incident angle for harvesting ambient electromagnetic energy and
wireless power transfer, Applied Physics Letters, vol.111, no.21,
213902, 2017. 34. C. Gu, S. Gao, B. Sanz-Izquierdo, E. Parker, F. Qin, H. Xu, J.
Batchelor. X. Yang, Z.
Cheng, 3D-coverage beam-scanning antenna using feed array and active
frequency selective surface, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,
vol. 65, no.11, 5862-5870, 2017. 35. C. Gu, S. Gao, B. Sanz-Izquierdo, E Parker, W. Li, X. Yang and Z. Cheng, Frequency-agile beam-switchable antenna,
IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol.65, no.8,
pp.3819-3826, 2017. 36. C. Mao, S. Gao, Y. Wang, Q.
Chu, X. Yang, Dual-band
circularly polarized shared-aperture array
for C -/ X -band satellite communications, IEEE Trans.
Antennas Propag., vol.65, no.10, pp. 5171-5178,
2017. 37. Wei Yang, Guo-Hui Li, Yu-Dan
Wu, Ya-Na Yang, Li Sun, Xue-Xia Yang, A compact quarter-mode SIW
bandpass filter with an extremely wide stopband, Progress in Electromagnetics
Research Letters, vol. 67, pp. 13-18, 2017. 38. Yuhong He, Zhewang
Ma, Xuexia Yang, "A compact utral-wideband bandpass filter with broad stopband based
on step-impedance stub-loaded tri-mode resonator, " IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 14, no. 3,
pp.1-11, 2017. 39. Zhong-Liang Lu, Xue-Xia Yang, Guan-Nan Tan, "A multidirectional pattern
reconfigurable patch antenna with CSRR on the ground", IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag.
Lett., vol. 26, pp.416-419,
2017. 40. Hai-Gao Xue,
Xue-Xia Yang, Zhe-Wang
Ma and Yan Wang, "Single-fed broadband
circularly polarized dipole antenna with simple structure", Electronics Lett., vol.53, no.3, pp.
134-136, 2017. 41. Yu-Dan Wu,
Guo-Hui Li; Wei Yang, Xue-Xia Yang, "Design of compact wideband QMSIW
band-pass filter with improved stopband," Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, vol.
65, pp. 75-79, 2017. 42. Xue-Xia Yang, Guan-Nan Tan, Bing Han, and
Hai-Gao Xue, "Millimeter wave Fabry-Perot
resonator antenna fed by CPW with high gain and broadband", Int. J. Antennas Propag.,
Volume 2016, Article ID 3032684, 2016. 43. Huan Mei, Xue-Xia Yang, Guan-Nan Tan, Bing Han,
"High-efficiency microstrip rectenna for Microwave Power Transmission at
Ka Bandwidth with Low Cost". IET Microw., Antennas Propag.,
vol. 10, no.15, pp: 1648-1655, 2016. 44. Jia-Jun Lu, Xue-Xia Yang, Huan Mei, and Chong Tan, "A four-band rectifier
with adaptive power for electromagnetic energy harvesting", IEEE Microw.
Wireless Compon. Lett, vol. 26, no.10,
pp.819-821, 2016. 45. Guan-Nan Tan, Xue-Xia Yang, Zhong-Liang Lu and Xin-Sheng Jiang," Metamaterial
loaded vivaldi antenna with high gain and equal
beamwidths at Ka band", Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett. vol. 58, no. 10, pp: 2337-2341, 2016. 46. Guan-Nan Tan, Xue-Xia Yang, Huan Mei, Zhong-Liang Lu, "Study on millimeter-wave
Vivaldi rectenna and arrays with high conversion efficiency", Int. J. Antennas Propag.,
Volume 2016, Article ID 1897283, 2016. 47. Hui-Teng Zhong, Xue-Xia Yang, Chong Tan and Kai Yu, "Triple-band
polarization-insensitive and wide-angle metamaterial array for
electromagnetic energy harvesting", Applied
Physics Lett., 2016. 48. Kai-Da Dong, Jing-Yan Mo, Yu-Hong
He, Zhe-Wang Ma,Xue-Xia Yang, "A compact
millimeter-wave dual-band bandpass filter using substrate-integrated
waveguide (SIW) dual-mode cavities", IEICE
Trans. Electronics, vol.E99C, no.7, pp.761-765, 2016. 49. Kai-Da Dong, Jing-Yan Mo,Yu-Hong He, Zhe-Wang Ma, Xue-Xia Yang,
"Design of a millimeter-wave wideband bandpass filter with novel-slotted
substrate integrated waveguide", Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett., vol.58, no.10, pp:
2406-2410, 2016. 50.
Mei-Juan Nie, Xue-Xia Yang, Guan-Nan Tan, and Bing Han, "A compact 2.45-GHz
broadband rectenna using grounded coplanar waveguide",IEEE
Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol.14, pp.986-989, 2015. 51.
Hai-Gao Xue, Xue-Xia Yang, Zhewang Ma,"A
novel microstrip-CPW fed planar slot antenna with broadband and circular
polarization", IEEE Antennas
Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 14, pp.1392-1395,
2015. 52.
Zhong-Liang Lu, Xue-Xia Yang
and Guan-Nan Tan," A wideband printed tapered slot antenna with pattern
reconfigurability", IEEE Antennas
Wireless Propag. Lett., vol.13, pp.1613-1616,
2014. 53.
Yong Jin Zhou, Xue-Xia Yang, Tie Jun Cui," A multidirectional frequency
splitter with band-stop plasmonic filters", J. Applied Physics, Mar. 2014. 54.
Xue-Xia Yang, Chao Jiang, et al, "A novel compact printed rectenna for
data communication systems", IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propag, vol. 61, no. 5,
pp.2532-2539, 2013. 55.
Xue-Xia Yang, Chao Jiang, et al, "A circularly polarized broadband
printed array with a bud-shape feedline network", IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett.,
vol. 12, pp.627-630, 2013. 56. Xue-Xia Yang, Bo Gong, Guan-Nan Tan, and
Zhong-Liang Lu, "Reconfigurable
patch antennas with four-polarization states agility using dual feed
ports", Progress In Electromag. Research B,
vol. 54, 285-301, 2013. 57.
Xue-Xia Yang,
Bing-Cheng Shao, Fan Yang, Atef Z. Elsherbeni and
Bo Gong, "A polarization reconfigurable patch antenna with loop slots on
the ground plane", IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett.,
vol. 11, pp.69-72, 2012. 58.
Peng Cai, Xue-Xia Yang and Jian Huang, et al,
"Full-wave analysis of a microwave rectifying circuit using finite
difference time domain algorithm", Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett., vol.53, no.9,
pp.2022-2055, Sep. 2011. 59.
Yan-Yan Gao, Xue-Xia Yang, Chao Jiang, Jian-Yong
Zhou, "A circularly polarized rectenna with low profile for wireless
power transmission", Progress in Electromag. Research Lett. vol.13, pp41-49, 2010. 60.
Chao Jiang, Xue-Xia Yang
and S. -X. Cao, "Novel high-gain coupled strip line-fed circularly
polarized microstrip antennas with low profile", Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett., Vol. 53, no. 10, pp.
2340–2343, Oct. 2011. 61.
Sun, Xue-Xia Yang, Hua-Hong Wang,
"CPS-fed printed pentagonal-loop antenna with high gain and broad
beam", Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett., vol.51, no.5,
pp.1188-1191, May. 2009. 62.
Yang, Jun-Shu Xu,
De-Ming Xu, Chang-Long Xu, "X-band circularly polarized rectennas for
microwave power transmission applications", J. Electronics (China), vol.25, no.3, pp.389-393. May. 2008. 63. Jie Sheng, Xue-Xia Yang, Xiao-Meng Sun, "Optimization of printed ultra wide-band antenna using micro-genetic algorithm
combined with FDTD", Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett.,vol.50, no.5,
pp.1289-1292, 2008. 64.
Fa-Jia Wang, Xue-Xia Yang, Jin-Sheng Zhang, Guo-Ping
Gao, Jin-Xiang Xiao, "A band-notched ring monoplole antenna", Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett., vol.50,
no.7, pp. 1882-1884, Jul. 2008. 65. Guo-Ping
Gao, Xue-Xia Yang, Jin-Sheng
Zhang, Jin-Xiang Xiao, and Fa-Jia Wang,"Double-printed
rectangular patch dipole antenna for uwb
applications". Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett., vol. 50,
no.9, pp.2450-2452, Sep. 2008. 66. Jin-Xiang Xiao, Xue-Xia Yang, Guo-Ping Gao and Jin-Sheng Zhang, "Double-printed U-shape
ultra-wideband dipole antenna", J.
Electromag. Wave App., vol.22, no.8-9,
pp.1148-1154. 2008. 67. Xue-Xia Yang and Yi-Min Lu,
"Research on propagation characteristics of millimeter wave in
tunnels", Int. J. Infrared
Millimeter Waves, vol.28, no.10, pp.901-909, Oct. 2007. 68. Yi-Min Lu,
Xue-Xia Yang and Guo-Xin Zheng,
"Analysis on a novel UWB antenna of double-printed circular disc", Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett.,vol.49,
no.2, pp.311-313, Feb. 2007. 69. Jiang-Tao
Sun, Xue-Xia Yang, Jie
Sheng, "Circularly
polarized microstrip antenna with harmonics suppression", Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett., vol.49, no.11,
pp.2841-2843, Nov. 2007. 70.
Jie Sheng, Xue-Xia Yang, Jiang-Tao Sun, Yi-Min Lu, "Double-printed circular disc antenna
having a frequency band notch function", Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett., vol.49,
no.11,pp.2675-2677, Nov. 2007. 71.
Xue-Xia Yang, Peng Cai, Wen-Jun Zhang and Zhe-Wang Ma, "Study on the stability of the higher-order FDTD(2,4)
including lumped inductors", IEE
Proc. Microw., Antennas and Propag.
vol.152, no.6,
pp.460-464, Dec.2005. 72.
Jun-Shu Xu,Chang-Long Xu,De-Ming Xu,Xue-Xia Yang,“Diode large-signal characteristics measurement for high-power
rectennas,” Microw. Opt. Techn.
Lett., vol.45, pp.249-251, May. 2005. 73.
Shun-Shi Zhong, Xue-Xia Yang
and Shi-Chang Gao, "Polarization-agile microstrip antenna array using a
single phase-shift circuit", IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol.52, no.1,
pp.84-87, 2004. 74.
Xue-Xia Yang and Shun-Shi Zhong, et al, "Analysis of the dual-polarized
patch antenna and two-element array by FDTD", IEE Proc. Microw., Antennas and Propag, vol.149, no.5/6, pp.275-279,Oct./Dec. 2002. 75.
Shun-Shi Zhong, Xue-Xia Yang
and Shi-Chang Gao, "Corner-fed microstrip antenna element and arrays for
dual-polarization operation", IEEE
Trans. Antennas Propag., vol.50, no.10,
pp.1473-1480,Oct. 2002. 76.
Xue-Xia Yang and Shun-Shi Zhong, "Analysis of two dual-polarization
square-patch antennas", Microw. Opt. Techn. Lett., vol.26, no.3, pp.153-156, Aug. 2000. 77.
Shun-Shi Zhong and Xue-Xia Yang,
"A low-cost dual-polarization microstrip antenna array", Microw. Opt. Techn.
Lett., vol.24, no.3, pp.176-179, Feb. 2000. 78.
Guan-Nan Tan, Xue-Xia Yang,
Hai-Gao Xue,
Zhong-Liang Lu, "A dual-polarized Fabry-Perot cavity antenna at
Ka band with broadband and high gain", Progress in Electromagnetics
Research C, vol. 60, pp. 179-186, 2015. 79.
Mei-Juan Nie, Xue-Xia Yang, and Jia-jun Lu,
"A broadband rectifying circuit with high
efficiency for microwave power transmission", Progress in Electromag. Research Lett.,
vol. 52, pp. 135-139, 2015. 80. Guan-Nan Tan, Xue-Xia Yang, Hai-Gao Xue, and Zhong-Liang
Lu, "A dual-polarized Fabry-Perot cavity antenna at Ka band with
broadband and high gain", Progress
in Electromag. Research C, vol. 60, pp.
179-186, 2015. 81. Fa-Jia
Wang, Jin-Sheng Zhang, Xue-Xia
Yang, and Guo-Ping Gao, "Time domain characteristics
of a double-printed UWB dipole antenna", Progress
in Electromag. Research Lett., vol.3,
pp.161-168, 2008. 82. Guo-Ping
Gao, Xue-Xia
Yang and Jin-Sheng Zhang, "A
printed volcano smoke antenna for UWB and WLAN communications", Progress in Electromag. Research Lett., vol. 4,
pp.55-61, 2008. 83.
Jun-Shu Xu, De-Ming Xu, Xue-Xia Yang, Chang-Long Xu, "Full-wave analysis and design of
microstrip antenna in-pipe for rectenna using FDTD method", J. Shanghai
Univ., vol. 10, no. 4, pp.330-333, Aug.2006. 84. Xue-Xia Yang, Jie Sheng, "Optimization of a band-notched UWB
antenna using micro-genetic algorithm combined with FDTD", J. Shanghai
Univ. (English
Edition), vol.13, no.5, pp.375-378, 2009. 85. Xue-Xia Yang and Yu-Jie Xue, "Design of a compact low-pass filter with wide
stopband", J. Shanghai Univ. (English Edition), vol.12, no.6,
pp.495-497, 2008. Conference papers 86.
F. Yu, X.-X Yang, S. Gao, Broadband
wide-angle polarization-independent rectifying metasurface
for wireless power transfer and
energy harvesting, 2021 iWEM,2021.11.7-9,Guangzhou, China (Invited
talk) 87.
Q. Yang, S. Gao, R. Xu, X. Ren, J. Wu, Y. Wang and X. Yang,
Dual-polarized millimeter-wave and sub-THz array antennas for 5G and beyond, ICMMT 2021, 2021.5.23-26, Nanjing, China (Invited talk) 88.
Q. Yang, S. Gao, R. Xu, X. Ren, J. Wu, Y. Wang and X. Yang,
Broadband dual-polarized multi-beam millimeter-wave and sub-THz antennas for
joint communications and radar sensing systems, iWAT
2021, 2021.7.31-8.2, Shenzhen, China (Keynote
talk) 89.
Elobied, X.
Yang, B. Du, S. Gao, “Dual-polarized 2×2 MIMO antenna based on half mode
substrate integrated waveguide, 2019 13th European Conference on Antennas and
Propagation (EuCAP). 90.
Luo, S. Gao, W. Li, X. Yang, G.
Wen, “Ultra-wideband and multiband reflectarrays
for intelligent multi-functional platforms,13th European Conference on
Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2019.3.31-2. 91.
H. Qiu,
J. Du, Y. Yu, B. Du, X. Yang, S. Gao, A frequency-scanned continuous
transverse stub array with broad angle based on SIW, 13th European Conference
on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2019.3.31-2. 92.
X. Yang, N. Zhu, N. Xie, M. Hou and S. Gao, "Broadband Dual-Polarized
Phased Array with Broadside and Endfire Radiation
for 5G Millimeter Wave Communications," 2019 Computing, Communications
and IoT Applications (ComComAp), Shenzhen, China,
2019, pp. 210-212. 93.
Huang, J. Du, G. Tan, X. Yang , "A
Novel 35-GHz Slot-Coupled Patch Rectenna Array Based on SIW Cavity for
WPT," 2019 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave
Technology (ICMMT), Guangzhou, China, 2019, pp. 1-3. 94.
Li, J. Du, X. Yang, "Dual
Polarized Rectenna and Array at X-band with High-Efficiency," 2019
International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT),
Guangzhou, China, 2019, pp. 1-3. 95.
Luo, S. Gao, B. S. Izquierdo, X. Yang, X. Ren and J. Wu,
"Low-Cost Smart Antenna Using Active Frequency Selective Surfaces,"
2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Xi'an,
China, 2019, pp. 1-3. 96.
Luo, S. Gao, X. Yang and J. T. Sri
Sumantyo, "Thin Transmitarray
Panel with full 360-degree Phase Shift Range," 2019 International
Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), Xi'an, China, 2019, pp. 1-3. 97.
Yu, J. Du and X. Yang,
"Four-Band Polarization-Insensitive and Wide-Angle Metasurface
with Simplified Structure for Harvesting Electromagnetic Energy," 2019
IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS), Guangzhou, China, 2019,
pp. 1-3. 98.
Lou, Xue-Xia Yang, Lin Li, Elobied
Abubaker, A flat dual-polarized continuous transverse stub antenna array
based on substrate integrated waveguide, 12th European Conference on Antennas
and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), pp.1-3, 2018.
2018.4-9. 99.
Li ; Xue-Xia Yang ; Geliang
Zhu ; Huawei Zhou, A compact high-efficiency rectifying circuit with class-F
filter, 2018 International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT), pp.1-3, 2018.3.4-7, Nanjing 100.
Mingfang Wang, Tao Wang, Yanzan
Sun, Yating Wu, Yongjin
Zhou, Xuexia Yang, Automated FMCW Radar Experimental
Platform, 2018 2nd IEEE Advanced Information Management,Communicates, Electronic and Automation
Control Conference (IMCEC), pp.856–860, 2018 101. Hui-Teng Zhong, Xue-Xia Yang, Broadband metamaterial surface with
polarization-insensitive and wide-angle for electromagnetic energy harvesting,
2017 IEEE International Workshop on
Antenna Technology( iWAT
2017), Mar 1-3, 2017. 102. Lingfeng Li, Xuexia
Yang, Erjia Liu, Geliang Zhu, Design
and experiment of a miniaturized high-efficiency printed rectifier,
2017APCAP, Xi’an China. 103. Jingwei Lei, Xuexia
and Elobied Abubaker, Metamaterial-enhanced dual
polarized HMSIW antenna for MIMO applications, 2017APS, San Diego,
pp.1657-1658. 104. Erjia Liu; Xuexia Yang; Lingfeng Li, Triple-band GCPW rectifier for harvesting EM energy,
2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium
(ACES), Suzhou, China, pp.1-2, 2017. 105. Lu-Qi Di, Xue-Xia Yang, Ying-Jie Yu, "A planar
broadband beam steering array with low cost", 2016 International Wireless Symposium (IWS), pp.1-3, 2016. 106. Hai-Gao Xue,
Ling-Feng Li, Xue-Xia Yang, Zhe-Wang
Ma, Jing-Yan Mo, "A wideband circular polarization quasi
magnetic-electric dipole antenna with single feed", 2016 IEEE MTT-S Int. Conf. Numerical Electromag.
& Multiphysics Modeling and Optim. (NEMO),
pp.1-3, 2016. 107. Kai-Da Dong, Jing-Yan Mo, Yu-Hong
He, Zhe-Wang Ma, Xue-Xia Yang, "Design of a millimeter-wave dual-band bandpass
filter using SIW dual-mode cavities", 2016 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS),
pp.1-3,2016. 108.
Huan Mei, Xue-Xia Yang, Ying-Jie Yu, "SIW
cavity-backed circularly polarized dual loop antenna with broadband at Ka
band", ISAP 2016, Okinawa,
Japan, pp.710-711,2016. 109.
Xue-Xia Yang, Lu-Qi Di, Ying Shen, Ji-Fu Huang, "A compact beam steering
planar array with broadband and high gain", IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas & Propag. (ISAP), Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 2015. 110. Guan-nan Tan, Xue-Xia Yang, "A dual-polarized Fabry-Perot cavity antenna at
millimeter wave band with high gain",2015 IEEE 4th Asia-Pacific Conf.
Antennas & Propag. (APCAP),Bali Island, Indonesia, pp.621-622,
2015. 111. Jia-Jun Lu, Xue-Xia Yang and Chong Tan, "A dual-frequency rectifier with
adaptive power", 2015 Asia-Pacific
Microw. Conf.(APMC),
Nanjing, pp.1-3, 2015. 112. Kai-Ga Dong, Yu-Hong He, Xue-Xia Yang, Zhe-Wang
Ma, "Millimeter-wave wideband bandpass filter using novel slotted
substrate integrated waveguide", 2015
Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf.(APMC), vol.
3, 2015, pp.1-3,2015. 113.
Xue-Xia Yang, Zhong-Liang Lu, Guan-Nan Tan, and Yong-Jin
Zhou, "Pattern reconfigurable printed antennas with high gain and
broadband", PIERS Proceedings,
Guangzhou, China, pp.1378-1382, Invited paper, 2014. 114.
Xue-Xia Yang, Hua-Wei Zhou and Guan-Nan Tan,
"Design of a C-band microwave power transmission system for long
distance application", 2014
Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf. (APMC), pp. 682-685,
Harbin, China, Invited paper, 2014. 115.
Mei-Juan Nie, Xue-Xia Yang, Guan-Nan Tan," A broad band rectifier with wide
input power range for electromagnetic energy harvesting", 2014 Asia-Pacific Microw.
Conf. (APMC), Harbin, China, pp. 1187-1189, 2014. 116.
Guan-Nan Tan, Xue-Xia Yang,
Chong Tan, "Design of rectifying circuit for wireless power transmission
in Ka band", 2014 IEEE Int. Sym.
Antennas & Propag., Memphis, USA,
pp.639-640, 2014. 117.
Bing Han, Xue-Xia Yang, Hai-Gao Xue, "A millimeter-wave Febry-Perot
antenna with high-gain and circular polarization operation", 2014 Asia-Pacific Microw.
Conf. (APMC), Harbin, China, pp.40-43, 2014. 118.
Hua-Wei Zhou and Xue-Xia Yang,
"Aperture optimization of transmitting antennas for microwave power
transmission systems", 2014 IEEE
Int. Sym. Antennas & Propag., Memphis , USA, pp.1357-1358. 2014. 119. Xue-Xia Yang, Guan-Nan Tan and Ye-Qing Wang," A 35GHz stacked patch
antenna with dual-polarized operations", 2013 Proc. Int. Symp. Antennas & Propag.
(ISAP), vol. 1, pp.384-387, 2013. 120. Xue-Xia Yang, Ye-Qing
Wang, Guan-Nan Tan, "A
millimeter tapered slot antenna fed by SIW with broadband and high
gain", 2013 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Workshop Series on RF & Wireless Techn. for Biomedical and Healthcare App. (IMWS-Bio),
Singapore, pp.1-3, 2013. 121. Long
Shen, Xue-Xia Yang, "A novel rectifier circuit
operating at dual-frequencies of 1.8 GHz and 2.4 GHz", 2013
IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Workshop Series on RF &
Wireless Techn. for Biomedical and Healthcare App.
(IMWS-Bio), Singapore,
pp.1-3, 2013. 122.
Zhong-Liang Lu,
Xue-Xia Yang, "A novel planar beam
steering antenna", 2013 IEEE
Int. Wireless Symp.( IWS), Beijing, China,pp.1-4, 2013. 123.
Xue-Xia Yang,
Bo Gong, Fang Yang, Atef Z. Elsherbeni, "A
reconfigurable patch antenna with quadri-polarization
states using dual feed ports", 2012
IEEE Int. Sym. Antennas & Propag. (APSURSI), pp:1-2,2012. 124.
Xue-Xia Yang, Chao
Jiang, A.Z. Elsherbeni, Fan Yang, Ye-Qing Wang,
"A novel compact printed rectenna for communication systems", 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Power and Energy
Engineering Conf. (APPEEC), pp:1-4,2012. 125.
Ye-Qing Wang, Xue-Xia Yang, "Design of a
high-efficiency circularly polarized rectenna for 35 GHz microwave power transmission
system", 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific
Power and Energy Engineering Conf. (APPEEC), pp:1-4,2012. 126.
Zai-Feng Yang, Lu-Hong Zhang, Zhe-Wang Ma,
Xue-Xia Yang, "Design of a compact
dual-band dual-mode microstrip filter with an adjustable transmission
zero", IEEE MTT-S Int. Microw. Symp. Dig., 2012. 127.
Xue-Xia Yang and Chao Jiang, "Circularly polarized microstrip antenna
with high gain and low profile", 2011 IEEE Int. Sym. Antennas & Propag. (APSURSI), pp.1566-1569, 2011. 128.
Cao Sai-Xiong, Xue-Xia Yang, Gong Bo
and Bing-Cheng Shao, "A reconfigurable microstrip antenna with agile
polarization using diode switches", 2011 IEEE Int. Sym. Antennas & Propag. (APSURSI), pp.1566-1569, 2011. 129.
Peng Cai, Xue-Hui Guan, Xue-Xia Yang, Yong Zhang, Bin Chen, Jian
Huang and Yun-Song Wu, “Wideband bandpass filter
using parallel-coupled line and step-impedance open stubs” The Third IEEE Int. Symp.
Microw., Antenna, Propag.
& EMC Techn. for Wireless Communications,
pp.1047-1049, Oct.2009. 130.
Xue-Xia Yang, Jian-Yong
Zhou, Yan-Yan Gao, "Circularly polarized broadband dual loop antenna fed
by coplane stripline",
2009 IEEE Int. Symp.
Radio-Frequency Integration Techn., pp.315-318.
2009. 131.
Xue-Xia Yang, Jie Sheng, "Design of a band-notched UWB monopole using
genetic algorithm combined with FDTD", 2008 Global Symp. Millimeter Waves
(GSMM2008), pp.268-270, Apr. 2008. 132.
Hua-Hong Wang, Yan-Yan Gao, Xue-Xia Yang, et al, "A novel
compact stepped-impedance resonator lowpass filter", China-Japan Joint Microw.
Conf., vol.1, pp.72-74, Sep. 2008. 133. Xiao-Meng
Sun, Yan-Yan Gao, Xue-Xia Yang, et al, "A high gain
printed dual-loop antenna for rectenna systems applications", China-Japan Joint Microw.
Conf., vol.2, pp.450-453, Sep. 2008.
134. Jiang-Tao Sun, Xue-Xia Yang,
Toshihiko Yoshimasu, Xiao-Meng Sun," Bow-tie
loop printed antenna with high gain and broad beamwidth for 5.8GHz rectenna
application", IEEE 2008 Int. Conf.
Circuits & Sys. for Communication, pp:312-314,May.
2008. 135.
Xiao-Rong Yan, Shun-Shi Zhong and Xue-Xia Yang, "Compact printed
monopole antenna with super-wideband", IEEE 2007 Int. Symp. Microw.,
Antennas, Propag. EMC Technol. for Wireless
Communications, pp.605-607, Aug. 2007. 136.
Xue-Xia Yang, Yu-Jie Xue,
Yi-Min Lu and Peng Cai,"Circularly polarized 4-element array fed by aperture
coupling for rectennas application",2006 IEEE
Antennas Propag. Society Int. Symp., pp.875-878, 2006. 137.
Xue-Xia Yang, Yi-Min Lu, Yu-Jie Xue,"Analysis on the monopole UWB
antenna of double-printed circular disc", 2006 IEEE Antennas Propag. Society Int. Symp., pp.1717-1720, 2006. 138. Xue-Xia Yang, Jun-Shu Xu and De-Ming Xu," Compact
circularly polarized rectennas for microwave power transmission
applications",7th Int. Symp. Antennas, Propag.
EM Theory Proc., pp.1258-1260, 2006. 139.
Xue-Xia Yang and Yi-Min Lu, "Propagation characteristics of millimeter
wave in circular tunnels", 7th Int. Symp. Antennas, Propag. EM
Theory Proc., pp.541-544, 2006. 140. Xue-Xia Yang, Peng Cai, Wen-Jun Zhang, "Rigorous analysis of the active
antennas using
FDTD", 2006 IEEE
Int. Symp. Antennas Propag.
Dig., pp.3865-3868, 2006.
141. Wen-Hui
Shen, Lei Chen, Xue-Xia Yang, "A design of phased arrays carried on
vehicles for Ku band satellite communication", 2006 IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. Dig., pp.545-548, 2006. 142.
Wen-Hui Shen, Guo-Xin Zheng, Xue-Xia Yang, Wei Cao,
"The model of moment method approach to millimeter wave propagation loss
over irregular terrain", 2006 IEEE Int. Symp. Antennas Propag. Dig.,
2006. 143.
Yue-fei Li, Xue-Xia Yang, Wen-Jun Zhang,"The microwave equivalent circuits
of tuned MEMS shunt-capacitive switches", 2005 Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf. Proc.,
vol.5, pp.3466-3469, 2005. 144.
Peng Cai, Xue-Xia Yang, Zhe-Wang
Ma, and Wen-Jun Zhang,"Analysis of the stability of high-order FDTD(2,4)
algorithm", 2005 Asia-Pacific Microw. Conf. Proc., vol.3, pp.1791-1794, 2005. 145.
Peng Cai, Zhe-Wang Ma, Xue-Hui Guan, Xue-Xia Yang, Kobayashi
Yoshio, Anada Tetsuo, Hagiwara Gen,"A compact UWB bandpass filter using two-section open-circuited stubs to
realize transmission zeros", Asia-Pacific
Microw. Conf. Proc,vol.5, pp.3356-3359,2005. 146. Shun-Shi Zhong and Xue-Xia Yang, et al, "16-element
polarization-agile microstrip antenna array with one phase-shift circuit
", 2002 IEEE Int. Antennas and Propag. Symp. Dig.,
pp.224-227, Jun. 2002. 147.
Xue-Xia Yang, Shun-Shi Zhong and Shi-Chang Gao, "A novel
polarization-agile active microstrip antenna array with LNA", Proc. of 5th Int. Antennas, Propag, Electrom. Symp., pp.94-97, Aug. 2000. 148.
Xue-Xia Yang, "Progress in microwave power transmission", Int. Symp. Wireless Power Transmission Key Tech. & App.
(ISWPT2013), Guiyang, China, Keynote speech. 2013. 149.
Yi-Min Lu, Xue-Xia Yang and Guo-Xin Zheng, "Analysis on a novel UWB
antenna of double-printed circular disc", 2006 China-Japan Microw. Conf. Proc., vol.2, pp.646-649, Aug. 2006. 150.
Jun-shu Xu, De-ming
Xu, Xue-Xia Yang, Chang-long Xu,"Analysis and design of microstrip
antenna for rectenna of in-pipe micromachine using FDTD method",IEEE Int.
Antennas and Propag. Symp.
pp.1082-1085, Sep. 2004. |