方勇 博士,教授 |
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威廉williamhill体育宝山校区东区12号楼529室 / 数字信号处理实验室,东区12号楼B508 |
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上海市上大路99号威廉williamhill体育83信箱(200444) |
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021-66136306 |
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yfang@shu.edu.cn |
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四川师范大学学士学位(1984); 南京理工大学硕士学位(1990); 香港城市大学博士学位(1999); 新加坡南洋理工大学电气与电子工程学院Research Fellow(1999-2000); 威廉希尔教授(二级),博士生导师(2002-); 香港城市大学电子工程系高级访问学者/Research Fellow(2001-2002); 威廉希尔副经理(2002-2004, 2007-2016); IEEE高级会员(2003-)。 研究方向为通信信号处理、盲信号处理和智能信息系统。主要致力于无线通信信号处理、盲信号处理, 视音频信号处理等方面的基础和应用研究。在国内外学术刊物会议上发表学术论文300余篇, 授权发明专利30余项。 【荣誉称号】 1995年度四川省优秀教师; 2002年度上海市曙光学者; 2003年度威廉williamhill体育十佳杰出青年; 2005年获上海市优秀学科带头人; 2006年获威廉williamhill体育名师奖; 2007年获宝钢优秀教师奖; 2009年获上海市自然科学三等奖; 2011年获上海市优秀教材二等奖; 2018年获得上海市教学成果一等奖(排名第3); 2020年获得国家一流本科课程; 2021年获威廉williamhill体育优秀共产党员称号; 2022年获上海市教学成果一等奖(排名第4)。 【科研项目】 1.
上海市教委项目,“多用户通信信道的盲均衡”, 2001,10-2003,9, 主持; 2.
2002,1-2003,12, 主持; 3.
上海市科委白玉兰基金项目,“盲信号分离算法”, 2004,1-2004,12, 主持; 4.
上海市教委曙光计划项目,“混合语音盲分离技术及新型移动电话研究”, 2003,1-2005,12, 主持; 5.
上海市科委重点项目,“基于人的视觉特性的小波基的图像压缩及传输研究”, 2002,10-2004,9, 参加; 6.
国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于2-D系统理论的盲反卷积算法初始化方法研究”,2005,1-2007,12, 主持; 7.
上海市科委重点项目,“混合语音信号净化处理系统的研制”, 2005,1-2006,7,负责人; 8.
上海市优秀学科带头人计划项目,“非标准条件下的盲源分离技术研究”, 2005,10-2007,9,主持; 9.
2006年度高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,“非标准条件下的盲信号分离研究”, 2007,1-2009,12,主持; 10.
国家自然科学基金面上项目,“置换混叠信号的盲检测和分离的理论与应用”,2009,1-2011,12, 主持; 11.
上海市自然科学基金,“3DTV音频再现理论研究”,2008,10-2010,9,负责; 12.
上海市教委科研创新重点项目,“WiMAX快衰落信道估计方法研究”,2009.01-2010.12,主持; 13.
上海市科委白玉兰基金项目,“置换混叠信号的盲检测和分离的理论在图像篡改检测中的应用”, 2011,6-2012,3, 主持; 14.
企业合作项目,“虚拟三维音频重放技术的研发”,2012,10-2014,2,主持; 15.
国家自然科学基金面上项目,“OFDM 系统非平稳相关散射突变信道的表示与估计”,2013,1-2016,12, 主持; 16.
上海市科委国际合作项目,“无线体域网物理层高能效传输技术研究”,2013,7-2015,6,主持; 17.
企业合作项目,“移动互联网音视频质量评估和提升技术的研发”,2014,12-2015.5,主持; 18.
教育部博士点基金,“高铁环境下OFDM系统信道压缩表示的ICI消除”,2014,1,1-2016,12,31,主持; 19.
企业合作项目,“高性能信息处理的汽车移动互联平台的设计与实现”2015,12-2017,11,主持; 20.
国家自然科学基金面上项目,“非平稳车车散射时变信道下的迭代学习控制研究”,2017,1-2020,12, 主持; 21.
上海市科委重点支撑项目,“球谐域全景音频关键技术研究”,2016,10-2019,12,主持; 22.
企业合作项目,“面向车辆环境智能无线网络通信研究”2018,10-2021,9,负责; 23.
企业合作项目,“基于云计算的虚拟化管理平台”,2019,12-2021,7,主持; 24.
企业合作项目,“移动端音频播放器多维音质测试和分析”,2019,12-2021,3,主持; 25.
企业合作项目,“基于姿态追踪的VR音频处理系统”,2022,3-2023,12,主持。 【讲授课程】 现代信息数学(博士生课程) 通信与信息技术进展(硕士生课程) 数字信号处理(本科生课程)(国家一流本科课程,上海市精品课程) 信号与系统(本科生课程) 改变世界的数字技术(新生研讨课) 数字信号及处理方法探秘(新生研讨课) 【公司产品】 博士生:王明祥(上海豪威),朱耀麟(西安工程大学),刘盛鹏(上海消防研究所),王超(工商银行,上海),张烨(南昌大学),汤永清(浙江丽水学院),王伟(南通大学),周小平(上海师范大学),段新涛(河南师范大学),徐彤阳(山西财经大学),陈琳(上海电力学院);黄立勋(郑州轻工业学院),盛志超(悉尼科技大学),陈鑫(西安工程大学),王琛(便利峰,上海),刘华平(网易,杭州),余鸿文(悉尼科技大学,威廉williamhill体育),朱文博(悉尼科技大学,安徽工程大学),杨强强(上海电力大学),以及毕业在职博士研究生2名。 硕士生:范嘉乐(上海贝尔阿尔卡特),梁越(上海无线通信研究中心),唐旭辉(上海华为),张兼(日本早稻田大学博士生),王舒翀(大唐电信,,上海),曹文佳(上海通用汽车),张瑾(工商银行,上海),刘燕华(上海航天电子);吴美武(谰起科技,上海),张倩(威廉williamhill体育博士生),徐正(日本NEC),肖光华(恒翔通信,上海),侯兆然(中国海洋工程),王睿(上海交大博士生),陈涛(中兴通信,上海),石强(鼎桥通信,上海),宋波(河南消防,郑州),徐叶雷(温州移动),何超(上海华为),余亮(法国里尔大学博士生),刘庆山(成都华为),王冬靓(上海华为),周光荣(上海强生科技),赵维杰(上海华为),颜华超(上海中兴通讯),许广宏(上海通用),顾卿(上海华为),兰宇飞(上海华为),季帅(日本 Fotex公司),杨盛慎(安徽联通),路振龙(上海华为),姜岚(美国西雅图大学),吴舟(上海展讯),李兆元(农业银行,上海),张斌(唯品会,上海),于宗泽(中国银行,上海),陶红波(上海华为),邹禾灿(58同城,上海),陈建新,卜东曜(挖财网络,杭州),雷娅(招银科技,杭州),夏志立(微软,苏州),张佳露(平安科技,上海),史梦杰(网易,杭州),闰东洋(银联商务,上海),刘昇栋(OPPO 深圳),鲍实(招商银行,上海),刘畅(上海证券交易所),梅苏林(蜜柚科技,上海),古剑峰(上海华为),李辰龙(交通银行,上海),郭登宏(携程,上海),陶浩(招银网络,杭州),李鹏飞(上海阅维科技),徐强荣(浦发银行,上海),朱旭陈(百度,上海),葛宇(淘宝软件,杭州),赵曼琳(B站,上海),肖予乾(OPPO,上海),卫逸鸣(税务局,上海),李俊康(携程,上海),黄强(阿里,杭州),王春阳(金山软件,武汉),陈玉凤(悉尼科技大学),涂琦玉(滴滴出行,北京),胡浩(金山软件,武汉),冯兆怡,赵乾熙,顾杨,吕明晟,张雨楠,贺建宇,以及毕业在职工程硕士16名。 【代表性论著】 [1] C.
Y. Wang, G. N. Tan, Y. Fang, Z. C. Sheng and H. W, Yu. Joint design of hybrid
beamforming and reflection coefficients for reconfigurable intelligent
surface aided mmWave communication systems[J].
Wireless Networks, 2024, 1-19. (Early Access,DOI: 10.1007/s11276-023-03622-z) [2] H.
Hu, Z. C. Sheng, A. A. Nasir, H. W. Yu and Y Fang. Computation capacity
maximization for UAV and RIS cooperative MEC system with NOMA[J]. IEEE
Communications Letters, 2024, 28(3): 592-596. [3] Q.
Y. Tu, Z. C. Sheng, Y. Fang, A. A. Nasir. Local maximum multi-synchrosqueezing transform and its application[J]. Digital
Signal Processing, 2023, 140: 104122.(DOI: 10.1016/j.dsp.2023.104122) [4] Y.
F. Chen, H. D. Tuan, Y. Fang, H. W. Yu, H. Vincent Poor and L. Hanzo. Enhancing
the downlink rate fairness of low-resolution active RIS-aided signaling by closed-form
expression-based iterative optimization [J]. IEEE Transactions on
Vehicular Technology, 2023, 1-17. (Early
Access) (DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3349292 [5] Z.
Y. Feng, Z. C. Sheng, Y. Shi, A. A. Nasir and Y. Fang. Multi-Agent Deep
Reinforcement Learning for Energy-Efficient UAV-Aided Hybrid NOMA Data
Collection. IEEE Communications Letters, 2023, Digital Object
Identifier: 10.1109/LCOMM.2023.3305537 [6] W.
Zhu, H. D. Tuan, Y. Fang and Lajos Hanzo. Low-Complexity Pareto-Optimal 3D Beamforming
for the Full-Dimensional Multi-User Massive MIMO Downlink,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Technology. 2023, 72(7): 8869-8885. [7] Y.
M. Wei, Z. C. Sheng and Y. Fang. A Multi-resolution Channel Structure
Learning Estimation Method of Geometry-Based Stochastic Model with
Multi-Scene, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2023, 72(2): 1414-1428. [8] Y.
Ge, Z. C, Sheng, Y. Fang, and L. M. Zhang. An AFD-Based ILC Dynamics Adaptive
Matching Method in Frequency Domain for Distributed Consensus Control of
Unknown Multiagent Systems,IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems I:
Regular Papers 2022, SCIPap. 69(8): 3366-3378. [9] H.Yu, H.D.Tuan, A.A.Nasir, M.Debbah, Y.Fang. New Generalized
Zero Forcing Beamforming for Serving More Users in Energy-harvesting Enabled Networks,
Physical Communication,
2022, 50:
101500-101508. [10] J.
K. Li, Y. Fang and L. M. Zhang. A TM-based Adaptive Learning Data-model for Trajectory
Tracking and Real-time Control of a Class of Nonlinear Systems,IEEE Transactions on Circuits
and Systems I: Regular Papers,2022, 69(2): 859 -
871. [11] Q.
R. Xu, Z. C. Sheng, Y. Fang and L. M. Zhang. Measurement Matrix Optimization
for Compressed Sensing System with Constructed Dictionary via
Takenaka–Malmquist Functions, Sensors, 2021, 21(4): 1229. [12] C.
L. Li, Y. Fang, Z. C. Sheng. Average-ILC-Based for Consensus Tracking of
Multi-Agent Systems over Wireless Networks in Presence of Channel Noise and
Data Dropout,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2021,9606815. [13] W.
Zhu, H. D. Tuan, E. Dutkiewicz, Y. Fang, and L. Hanzo. A New Class of
Structured Beamforming for Content-Centric Fog Radio Access Networks, IEEE
Transactions on Communications,2021,69(11):7269-7282. [14] 方勇,数字信号处理―原理与实践,清华大学出版社,(第三版)2021,8 (ISBN
978-7-302-58243-4);(第二版)2010,8 (ISBN
978-7-302-22886-8);(第一版) 2006,3 (ISBN
7-302-12438-8). [15] 方勇主编,信息科学与技术研究论文写作―案例与方法,威廉williamhill体育出版社,2021.
11 ( ISBN 978-7-5671-4365-4). [16] H.
Yu, H. D. Tuan, T. Q. Duong, Y. Fang and L. Hanzo. Improper Gaussian Signaling
for Integrated Data and Energy Networking, IEEE Transactions on
Communications, 2020,68(6):
3922-3934. [17] X.
C. Zhu, Z. C. Sheng, Y. Fang and D. H. Guo. A Deep Learning-Aided Temporal
Spectral ChannelNet for IEEE 802.11p-Based Channel
Estimation in Vehicular Communications, EURASIP Journal on Wireless
Communications and Networking, 2020,4 DOI: 10.1186/s13638-020-01714-4 [18] H. Yu,
H. D. Tuan, T. Q. Duong, Y. Fang, and L. Hanzo. Improper Gaussian Signaling
for Integrated Data and Energy Networking,IEEE Transactions on Communications,2020,68(6): 3922-3934. [19] J. F. Gu,Y. Fang, Z. C. Sheng and P. Wen. Double Deep Q-Network with a Dual-Agent for Traffic
Signal Control, Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(1622). [20] Q.
H. Huang, J. J. Feng, J. B. Huang and Y. Fang. Two-stage MUSIC with Reduced
Spectrum Search for Spherical Arrays,Digital Signal Processing,2020, 106(1): 1-12 [21] Q.
H. Huang, J. J. Feng and Y. Fang. Two-Dimensional DOA Estimation Using One-Dimensional Search for
Spherical Arrays [J]. Chinese Journal of Electronics
电子学报(英文版). 2019,
28(06):177-182. [22] H.
P. Liu, Y. Fang,Q.
H. Huang. Efficient Representation of Head-related Transfer Functions with Combination
of Spherical Harmonics and Spherical Wavelets,IEEE ACCESS, 2019,7:78214-78222. [23] J.
L. Zhang, Y. Fang, C. L. Li and W. B. Zhu. Formation Tracking via Iterative
Learning Control for Multiagent Systems with Diverse Communication
Time-Delays, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, doi.org/10.1155/2019/8164297. [24] Z.
C. Sheng, H. D. Tuan, H. H. Nguyen and Y. Fang. Low-Latency Multiuser Two-Way
Wireless Relaying for Spectral and Energy Efficiencies,IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing as a Regular Paper, 2018, 66(16):
4362-4376. [25] X.
Chen, Y. Fang, Y. Z. Sun, Y. T. Pan and W. D. Xiang. Statistical
Characterization of Novel 3-D Cluster-Based MIMO Vehicle-to-Vehicle Models
for Urban Street Scattering Environments, International Journal of
Antennas and Propagation,2018,
6742346,11 pages,https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/6742346. [26] 王赛飞,方勇,王军华. 利用自适应傅里叶分解的非平稳无线信道的视频表示,信号处理,2018(06):749-755. [27] C. Wang
and Y. Fang. Majorization-Minimization-Based Sparse Signal Recovery Method
Using Prior Support and Amplitude Information for the Estimation of
Time-varying Sparse Channels [J]. KSII Transactions on Internet and
Information Systems. 2018, 12(10):4835-4855. [28] L.
Ya, Y. Fang and L. M. Zhang. A Weighted K-SVD-Based Double Sparse
Representations Approach for Wireless Channels Using the Modified
Takenaka-Malmquist Basis, IEEE ACCESS, 2018, 6:54331-54342. [29] Q.
H. Huang, L. L. Zhang, Y. Fang. Performance Analysis of Low-complexity MVDR Beamformer
in Spherical Harmonics Domain,Signal
153: 153-163. [30] Q.
H. Huang, L. Zhang, Y. Fang. Two-Step Spherical Harmonics ESPRIT-Type
Algorithms and Performance Analysis, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing,
2018, 26(9): 1684-1697. [31] Q.
H. Huang, G. F. Zhang, Y. Fang. DOA Estimation Using Block Variational Sparse
Bayesian Learning, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 2017/072,6 (4): 768-772. [32] X.
Chen, Y. Fang, W. D. Xiang, and L. Zhou. Research on Spatial Channel Model
for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Channel in Roadside Scattering
Environment, International
Journal of Antennas and Propagation,2017, 3098198: 1-12. [33] S.
L. Mei, Y. Fang. EM-based Parameter Iterative Approach for Sparse Bayesian
Channel Estimation of Massive MIMO System, EURASIP Journal on Wireless
Communications and Networking, 2017, 185(12): 1-7. [34] C.
Liu, Y. Fang, J. Z. Liu. Some New Results About Sufficient Conditions for
Exact Support Recovery of Sparse Signals via Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, 2017, 65(17): 4511-4524 [35] Z.
C. Sheng, H. D. Tuan, H. H. Nguyen and Y. Fang. Pilot Optimization for
Estimation of High-Mobility OFDM Channels,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2017,66(10): 8795-8806. [36] Z.
C. Sheng,H.
D. Tuan,H.
H. M. Tam,H.
H. Nguyen, Y. Fang. Energy-Efficient Precoding in Multicell Networks with
Full-Duplex Base Stations, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and
48: 1-13. [37] Q.
H. Huang, G. F. Zhang, L. F. Xiang, Y. Fang. Unitary Transformations for Spherical
Harmonics MUSIC, Signal Processing, 2017, 131: 441-446. [38] 张斌,方勇,黄青华,刘华平,基于声源分离的虚拟低音增强,信号处理,2016,32(10):1220-1224. [39] Q.
H. Huang, R. Hu, Y. Fang. Real-valued MVDR Beamforming Using Spherical Arrays
with Frequency Invariant Characteristic, Digital Signal Processing, 2016,
48:239-245. [40] C.
Wang, Y. Fang, and J. Y. Li. Estimation of NON-WSSUS Channel for OFDM System:
Exploiting Support Correlations through a Novel Adaptive Weighted
Predict-Re-Estimate L1 Minimization, Journal of Communications, 2016, 11(2):
149-156. [41] 黄立勋, 方勇. 包含数据丢失的迭代学习控制系统收敛性分析[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2014,36(2):361-367. [42] L. X. Huang, Y. Fang, T. Wang. A method to
improve convergence performance of ILC systems over wireless networks in
presence of channel noise [J]. IET Control Theory and Applications, 2014,8(3):175-182. [43] 黄立勋, 方勇. 测控信号随机时延对迭代学习控制系统的影响[J]. 应用科学学报, 2014, 32(2):
156-162. [44] L. X. Huang, Y. Fang. Convergence Analysis
of Wireless Remote Iterative Learning Control Systems with Dropout
Compensation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, Article ID
609284, 9 pages. [45] 方勇, 赵维杰, 汪敏, 非理想载波同步下的快衰落信道的稀疏与感知, 通信学报,2013,
34(9):10-15. [46] 黄立勋,方勇,信道噪声对无线远程迭代学习控制系统的影响,信号处理,2012,
28(11):1627-1633. [47] 方勇,赵维杰,汪敏. 信道压缩表示的OFDM快衰落信道估计,应用科学学报,2012,30(6):581-587. [48] 段新涛,方勇. 基于稀疏分解的置换混叠图像盲分离,高技术通讯,2012,22(4),368-373. [49] Y. Fang, S. Ji and M. Wang. Geometric Method
for Blind Signal Separation of Multichannel MPSK Signals, Journal of
Electronics(China), 2012,29(3/4): 334-338. [50] 王伟,方勇. 单通道散焦模糊置换图像的盲分离,中国图象图形学报,2012,7(3),196-202. [51] 陈琳,方勇. 基于准循环LDPC 码和SLM法降低PAPR的新方法,信号处理,2012,28(9):1341-1345. [52] L. Chen, Y. Fang, M. Wang. PAPR Reduction in
Optical OFDM Systems Using Asymmetrically Clipping and Filtering Technique
[J]. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2012, 8(7): 2733-2740. [53] Y. Fang, X. P. Zhou and M. Wang. Compressed Sensing
based Channel Estimation Using Group Random Unit Pilot for OFDM Systems in Fast
Moving Environment, High Technology
Letters, 2011,
17(2):113-118. [54] X. P. Zhou, Y. Fang and M. Wang. Compressed Sensing
based Channel Estimation for Fast Fading OFDM Systems, Journal of Systems Engineering
and Electronics, 2010, 21(4):550-556. [55] 周小平,方勇,汪敏. MIMO-OFDM
快衰落信道的压缩感知估计方法,电波科学学报,2010, 25(6):1109-1115. [56] 周小平,方勇,汪敏. MIMO-OFDM
快衰落信道的稀疏自适应感知估计,信号处理,2010, 26(12):1833-1839. [57] 王伟,方勇. 基于有限差分的置换图像盲检测方法,电子学报,2010, 38(10):2268-2272.
[58] 张烨,方勇. 基于平面聚类势函数法的欠定混合信号盲分离,高技术通讯,2010, 20(8):810-815. [59] 汤永清,黄青华,方勇. 基于球傅里叶变换的声源三维空间定位,信号处理,2010,
26(5):654-658. [60] Q. H. Huang, Y. Fang.
Interpolation of Head-related Transfer Functions Using Spherical Fourier Expansion,
Journal of Electronics(China),
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